[Raphael x Reader - A little to mean]

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Rival scenario, hits of crush.
This wasn't requested(yeah duh) but I hope you still enjoy it!


"Hehe" you laughed quietly sneaking into the turtles arcade area. You looked around and finally saw what you looked for sleeping soundly against the arcade's own dance machine. Leaning forward against the machines' handles slept Raph, snoring loudly and facing your direction. You quietly tiptoed over to the sleeping red turtle.

Laughing quietly you picked up a black felt pen from your back pocket, traveling it in between your fingers as you thought of what to write on his face. Choosing the words you wrote carefully you held up his head covering black text on his green skin.

You thought first to also write something on his red mask, but you decided against it. Because that would be a little to mean for your liking. Standing up a bit, turning Raph's head to the sides looking at your masterpiece. You had covered his face in cute little messages such as 'Only for Ms. Cuddles', 'marks of a hero' and 'Pizza has reserved this' pointing towards his mouth.

Putting back the felt pen in your back pocket you started tiptoeing out of the arcade. When you walked away from the arcade's opening you laughed again. You walked out to the skate area to find Leo and Mikey doing tricks on the ramps while Donnie sat on one of the edges looking down at the center area connecting the big room.

"Hey (Y/N)! Did ya find Raph?" Leo exclaimed up in the air as he looked in your direction. You were about to answer but you got stopped by Leo failing to come back onto his skateboard and ended up rolling down the ramps crashing onto Mikey.

"Hey-Hey-hey-hey now!" Mikey screamed before impact hit him slamming him and Leo against the other ramp. You burst out laughing as Donnie sighed and got up. "Ouch. You really gotta watch where you're going man"

"Sorry Mikey. I just somehow lost my rad techniques in the middle of the trick" Leo tried to explained while he helped himself and his brother up. Mikey huffed at his brother, Leo then panicked and started saying stuff that you didn't hear.

"(Y/N), weren't you supposed to get Raph?" Donnie asked standing in front of your laughing self.

"Oh yeah I did" You answered straighten yourself up. "He's in the arcade, sleeping"

"Ugh of course. I'm sure he feel asleep after some food and using the dancing game" Donnie muttered. You grinned and punched his arm playfully.

"Hey it's fine. He'll wake up eventually-" You said but stopped when you heard a yawn and some floppy steps.

"Hey guys what did I miss" Raph said yawning coming into the clear. You turned around holding your stomach and mouth holding in laughter before Raph could fully see you. When he heard your small giggles he glared daggers at the side of your head. "(Y/N)"

"Raph" You answered avoiding eye contact playfully.

"Donnie" Raph said looking at his brother.

"Yeah yeah hey Raph, one thing tho. Umm" Donnie started but stopped trying to find the words to say to his older brother.

"What's up Donnie?" Raph asked his brother.

"Umm, you've got something on your face. Like, all over your face" Donnie answer pointing towards Raph's face. You turned around and started walking away from the conversation, putting your hands above your head whistling.

Raph dragged the side of his hand over his face getting some black liquid on his hand from the felt pen. Looking at his now black and green hand he clenched his fist before starting running towards you. He screamed you way: "(Y/N) I SWEAR YOU HAVE TO STOP THE CHILDISH BEHAVIOR!"

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