[Leonardo x Reader - A Dangerous Situation]

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Crush scenario, slight gore.


Requested by: Me


"Flashback speaking"

"Non flashback speaking"

"Speaking through phone"


You were walking on the streets of New York looking for a nearby manhole to jump into. It wasn't that late, but since it was soon new years the skies had started becoming darker earlier in the evening. Which was why you were walking outside in almost pitch black, with the only light source being the few streets lights by the sidewalk.

You mummed a tune as you slowly walked on the sidewalk, your eyes searching for any alleys with manholes. There had been three older men walking behind you for a while chatting and laughing like drunks, but you had decided to ignore them. Your eyes sparkled when you finally saw a manhole inside an alley to your right, you immediately made a turn into the alley practically running towards the manhole.

"Hey g-*hick*girl, where are you going?" A drunk man's voice said from behind you. You turned around before getting pushed up against a wall, making you squeak in surprise.

"Aww, what's a little cutie like you doing out here?" Another drunk man asked leaning towards your face as the one who pushed you put two arms beside your head. "Hey!"

"Not now David, this one's mine~" The man in front of you said licking his lips.

"Stupid Carl-" The two men started arguing, and in the meantime you picked up your phone from your back pocket and clicked on the first number that came up. When you realize that it was Leo's number you quickly began to panic.

'Shit shit shit! Not Leo' you panicked inside of your head trying to end the call and call someone else, but as your luck had it your phone was pushed out of your hand and onto the ground.

"Wassup (Y/N)? Where are you-" you could hear Leo's voice say from your phone, but he stopped talking when one of men screamed at you.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING BITC-" the man in front of you had gotten pushed away as the one who had made your phone disappear from your hands stood in front of you, pushing you up against the wall and started screaming. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING? THE COPS?!"

You stayed quiet and looked away from your phone. You heard faint voices from your phone before it got completely quiet, but it was then a fist was pushed into your stomach making you gasp for air. You kneeled down but then the man in front of you picked you up by your head.

"STUPID STUPID STUPID" A man's voice screamed from Leo's phone as banging against a brick wall was heard.

"Donnie! You need to find where (Y/N)'s phone is quickly!" Leo screamed worried as he held his sword in hand ready to make a portal.

"I'm on it! I'm on it!" Donnie sang as he pressed down the buttons on his keyboard faster than lighting. "Okay I found her!"

"Well, where is she?" Raph asked getting behind Donnie looking at the computer. Mikey and April was in the background running around in panic while Mayhem was clinging onto a chair shaking.

"She's by the manhole in the alleyway beside the Candy store 'Haley's fresh stables'-" Donnie said reading off his computer.

"Ok got it!" Leo shouted as he started swinging his sword.

"Leo! You know that never works!-" Raph shouted before his eyes widened when Leo made a portal open up in one swing.

"I'm going!-" Leo shouted as he jumped through the portal he just opened.

"Leo-" Mikey shouted as the portal closed behind Leo leaving everyone else alone in the lair with Leo's phone.

"Guys we have to hurry-" Donnie shouted getting up, but stopped when he heard fighting from Leo's phone and three bodies falling to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" Leo shouted as he dropped his sword and ran to your shaken figure on the ground. Just before Leo came the three men had started destroying your clothes and ripping in your hair, so your state wasn't the most beautiful at the moment.

"Oh Leo" You cried as your threw yourself at him crying onto his shoulder. "Thank you thank you and oh thank you!"

"Its okay (Y/N)" Leo said not letting you go. "I'm here now, its okay its okay."

He let you cry everything out as he carefully patted your hair. After a while you stopped crying but still held onto Leo's shoulder. He didn't really mind but he thought everything got a little to quiet.

"Hey (Y/N) you okay?" He asked as he let go and held you up. It was then he saw your face that was tired from crying so much and had bruises all over it. You looked up at him with tired tear stained eyes, Leo sighed and pushed away a bit of hair from your face. "Oh (Y/N)"

"Hmm? Leo I am so tired, can I please stay at your place tonight?" You asked barely keeping yourself up as you almost fell backwards.

"(Y/N)!" Leo shouted as he quickly grabbed you before falling. You chuckled and buried your face into Leo's plastron. Leo sighed, "Sure, you can stay over. But you'll sleep in my room okay?"

"Sure, anything you say Leon" You chuckled as you tried to stand up.

"No. Let me get that for you" Leo said as got to his knees and started picking you up bridal style.

"Thanks Leo. Hey, could you also get my phone? I don't wanna leave it here."You said pointing towards the upside down phone on the ground a bit away.

"Yeah sure. Let me just put away the sugar" Leo said before laying you against the brick wall, walking away to your phone. He picked up your phone and saw that it was still in a call with his at home. "hEY GUYS! HOW ABOUT ACTUALLY COMING OVER HERE AND HELPING ME OUT HUH!?"

"We thought about it, buuttt" April's voice said through the phone.

"But we didn't want to destroy your moment with (Y/N) now did we?" Donnie chuckled on the other side.

"You guys suck!" Leo screamed into the phone before ending the call.

"Who was that? Was the call still on?" You asked glancing Leo's way as he walked back to you.

"Yeah, it was still on" Leo sighed as he got to you and picked you up bridal style. "But for not, let's go home."

"Yeah. Let's" You said tiredly. Leo walked passed the three men's unconscious bodies and up to the manhole opening it with hit foot. He climb down the ladders and closed the manhole with his head as he made his way back home to the lair.

When you and Leo got home to the lair you had fallen asleep against his plastron, sleeping like an angel. His brothers came running up quietly and tried to take away you from Leo's arms, but Leo rejected it by turning you away from them.

"No. I am taking (Y/N) to MY ROOM to sleep for the night. So, night you guys" Leo whispered harshly as he walked away proudly, thinking of how cool you would have thought that he was in that moment if you were awake.

Donnie came sneaking up behind his brother and whispered in Leo's ear: "Sugar huh?"

"SHUT IT!" Leo shouted at his brother before Mikey and everyone else in the background snickered.

"Mmm~" You mumbled leaning more against Leo's plastron making him blush.

"Go get her Leo!" Raph half shouted half screamed after Leo as he walked away to his room with you in his arms.

"Haha, very funny." Leo whispered to himself as he glanced down at you.

"Mm~ Leo~" You said in your sleep as Leo blushed even more and turned his gaze towards his room direction.


Word count: 1326


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - ONESHORTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora