[Requests are CLOSED]

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Hello and welcome to this random oneshorts book that you've found!


This is my FIRST TIME writing a oneshort book with a specific fandom with it. Plus I am in my last year of middle(?) school, so I am going to need to focus on school from time to time.

Please keep request only to this page, as it will be a lot easier to find and remember all of the request then when they start to roll in. And please also check if requests are open or not, so that you won't have to wonder why your request hasn't been used yet or why you haven't gotten a reply from me about to.

I will/can write:

'Meeting for the first time' scenarios
Best friends
First date
(Sad or depression scenarios, and I will do a trigger warning depending on what someone requests.)
(Sweet loving that may make you blush.... Madly.)
(Sexual encounters between two people.)
(Almost sex.)
Other dere's
(I can also do Tsundere requests and so on. Just tell me which dere type and it'll be all good)
Slight gore
(Yeah... I can do like explaining blood and stuff, but no deaths. Not for this story)
A song as the plot
And more cute or cool stuff that you yourself request.

I won't write:

(Sex. With a plot line, aka with a story.
I just won't do it, even if they are perverts I won't write lemons sense kids may read this.)

("PWP" sands for "Porn without Plot" or "Plot? What plot?" You can choose.)

Extreme gore
(Guts and all that fun stuff, that I won't write in this story.)

This oneshort book are mostly going to be 'x reader' sense I am more used to write that kind of stuff (and it's fun) but I will write 'x OC' and 'character x character' if asked to. But if you do send me a OC request, please send a link to a picture with a bio or a bio of the character so it'll be easier for me to write about them.

But other than that about the requests, go crazy!

Now for the characters -

Raphael, Raph, Raphie, Big Red, Red One or The Red One: A common snapping turtle, oldest of the brothers, acts before he thinks in battle, has a big heart, is also the leader of the brothers hero team. Uses two tonfa in battle.

Donatello, Donnie, D, Purple or The Purple One: A softshell turtle, the genius of the team, the ladies man, also has a crush on a comic book Heroine named Iass (reviled in 'Mascot melee'), confident, likes to dance. Uses a high-tech bō in battle.

Leonardo, Leo, Leon, Blue or Baby Blue: A red-eared slider, self centered, trickster, is the laidback/coolest brother, uses his so called 'one-liners' a lot, uses his training often in battle, is sarcastic. Uses a ōdachi sword in battle.

Michelangelo, Mikey, Mr. Orange, Micheal, Miguel or Orange: A box turtle, youngest brother, the jokester/prankster, artist, the so called "wild card", appears as a preteen, ball of sunlight. Uses a kusari-fundo in battle.

April O'Neil, with Mayhem or Dog-Thingy: April is an African-American girl, party girl, is the turtles sister and friend, constantly searches for a job, just badass. Uses a baseball bat in combat.
Mayhem is a cat/dog-like creature who's April's pet. (You can't date Mayhem, sorry)

Splinter, Pop or Dad: A mutant sewers rat, the turtles sensei and adoptive father, lazy, master(?) in ninja technic, constantly watches adaptations on TV.

I have already written a 'TMNT x Reader' two parter and a separate oneshort for all of the boys where there's nothing special about you. Just normal you, getting into normal scenarios... Idk, you'll see later.

Now, let us start.

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