"Not yet! She's in the hospital and let me tell you something," I yelled, curling my hands into fist. "This isn't the first time you guys have done something like this to her. She may be human, but she is a lot stronger than one of us. She's been through more than all of us here, and yet she's still standing. One bullet isn't going to take her down."

I tried to sound strong, convincing. But when I explained that to her, I realised that I wasn't trying to convince, Monroe. I was trying to convince myself. I know Allison is strong and she has been through worse, but where the bullet hit her... I know the chances of her survival.

"Not for much longer." She laughed, walking closer to me.

My breaths started to get deeper as I started to fight the urge to turn. I know she has to die, but I can't do it. Not yet anyways. I need to wait, see what else she tells me. See if I can get anything out of her. She's hidden it pretty well, but I can sense it. She's never hunted before, she's only a beginner. And for someone who's just started all this. She's pretty good at it.

Too good even. Someone has been helping her and if I can find out who. We can put an end to it all. Not just this group of hunters, but all the hunters scattered around the world. We can help others out, save more than just the supernatural in Beacon hills.

"You know, if it wasn't for what's her name... um," she clicked her fingers, as if she was trying to remember Allison's name.

"Allison. Her name was Allison," I told her through clenched teeth.

"Of course, duh. If it wasn't for Allison, than your alpha, Scott. He would be dead. So at least her death won't be a complete waste. At least for a little while, because no matter where he goes. There's always gonna be people after him and sooner or later, someone's gonna kill him. I just hope that someone is me." She snickered, trying to get under my skin and achieving it.

I tried to contain myself, to stop myself from doing it. But there's just so much anger and guilt built up inside me and she's managed to push me over the edge. She's managed to turn me into the monster she fears, into what everyone fears.

I flashed my eyes and growled, running over to her and pushing her onto the ground. She looked up at me, fear in her eyes. I smiled and dug my claws into her leg and then quickly slashing them, smiling even more when she screamed in pain. I did the same to her arm. The more she screamed, the more satisfied I felt. I connected my fist with her face, only to feel her knee going into my leg. I looked at her leg and got a fist in my nose.

I fell onto the ground, laying beside her. I quickly got back up and continued to do what needed to be done. As I was doing so, I felt something change in me. Almost like something dark was coming out. Something that should stay hidden and shouldn't be brought out in one like me.

"Please. Please, stop this," she cried, her voice weak and almost numb. "Just kill me! Make it stop already."

I looked down at my hands, watching as the blood dripped off them. I looked into her eyes, they were almost lifeless, dull. I got off her and saw what I had done to her. Tear started to fill my eyes as I realised what just happened. I had just become the thing that people fear most, what I fear most. I'm a monster.

I took a step back, my legs weak. I turned around and started to walk away, trying to forget what just happen. I wiped my eyes, making sure she didn't see. I don't want her to think I'm weak. I want her to fear me so she doesn't do anything like this again. She needs to fear me in order for me to keep Liam safe. To keep everyone safe.

I continued to walk away, until I heard something. Something I didn't expect to hear. A gun getting cocked. I closed my eyes, knowing that there was nothing I could do. I can't stop her and there's no way I can get to her in time to stop her. I know that if I want, I can dodge the bullet but why should I? I've lost so much. I've lost one of my best friends, we've lost the battle, I've lost myself. Why stay and fight?

I turned around slowly to face her. So that when she pulls the trigger, I'll be facing her. I raised my arms up slowly, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath in. I waited for it to happen. For it to all be over.

"You can join her," she whispered.

I opened my eyes, watching as she put her finger over the trigger.

I held my breath and smiled. Just as she was about to fire, another gun fired instead. I ducked and looked around. Watching as Sherriff Stilinski appeared from the shadows. I quickly got up and ran over to him, embracing him in a hug.

We're not very close, in fact we're don't even really know each other but at this moment in time I don't really care. I just need someone I know and someone I can trust. Besides, he deserves a hug after killing the one who tried to kill me.

End of flashback:
Once I finished explaining it to him, I broke down. I tried to contain myself, but I couldn't anymore. Just explain it out loud to someone, it sounds so surreal. We're only teenagers and we've already faced all of this. We shouldn't have to, none of us asked for this. None of us want this.

We just want to be happy. To live life like we should be able to. We shouldn't have to fear it. We should be able to leave the house without getting shot at and almost killed. Allison and Brett shouldn't be dead now. They should be at home with their families, eating dinner or watching TV. Instead they're buried in the ground, their families grieving the lost of their children and sibling. None of this should even be happening.

"Allison's dead, Liam." my voice shaky. "And I honestly don't know what I'm doing anymore."

He walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him. He rubbed the back of my head and kissed my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder and cried into it. Now I understand why people say 'if you ever need a shoulder to cry on'. This is what they mean.

"I don't know what to do either, Theo. But whatever it is that we need to do, we'll do it together." He whispered.

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