CHAPTER 79: this isnt the end

Start from the beginning

"I am a lost one." He said, seeming philosophical as he said it. "And I know you need my assistance." He said, his riddles seeming more complex. He just talks riddle.

A lost one? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"A lost one?" I asked, jumping to the next question. "I need you're assistance with what?" I asked next. There was a long pause of silence after I asked the two questions, as if he were thinking about wat to say.

"So many questions." He grumbled, chuckling slightly as if this amused him. My confusion. "Such little time."

SANS:          0.31/1 HP

He took a breath, loud enough for the entire room to hear the sound of his deep inhale. As I was about to speak, he started once more, not answering my questions from before. "I can help you remember. I can show you want to do." He said, whispering as if someone else lurked in the darkness too. "I can get you out of here." He said, I could feel his breath up to my skull, but as I quickly turned my head, no one stood there.

I could get out of here. I'm dying. Maybe he could take me back, somehow. Show me a way out? I don't know if I should trust him or not.

"I don't know." I finally said, narrowing my eyes and coming out of my defensive stance. "I don't know if I can trust you." I said afterwards right after. It was nothing but the truth, in all honesty. I'm the Mafia they train you to never trust anyone, and trusting him wouldn't be good if all I hear is his voice. "Come out, and we can talk." I said, messing with the tip of the bone.

"You are dying." He spat, quite seriously and coldly. "You and I had a mutual friend." He said, quite nostalgically.

Whether I want to trust him or not, this could mean life or death for someone in my situation. I'm losing HP, I can be dusted any second. It might be wisest to trust his judgement for now.

I need to come home for them.

"Alright." I said, looking around. "I'll trust you. How can I get out of here?" I said, still facing the same direction as before.

I waited a moment before hearing him speak again, "a wise choice. You really are just like him." The voice spat, laughing a bit. He seemed so close to me, I could feel it. I whipped my body around to see what I couldn't believe.

"Gullible." He said, a grin on his face. He, wasn't the right answer, but me.
The same clothes, height, and face. He looked exactly like me, but a whole different personality. She same suspenders holding up the Mafia uniform for MMO.

He rushed at me, pounding me against a wall I couldn't see, nor did I know was there. He cracked the back of my skull, clasping his hand around my head, putting his skeletal palm on my forehead.

I don't understand! Who is he?! What is he?! Is he... me??

"I'll really show you where lost souls go." He growled, pressing harder on my skull. I thought it was going to burst. Memories filled my head, but not the ones I wanted. Not the ones I lost, more like the ones I forgot. The important ones.

A dream.

SANS: 0.23/1 HP

The mahogany walls and yellow carpeting wasn't hard to distinguish where my locations were.
Well, from what I could see.

Standing in Asgore's Office, I could hear screams and pleads for their life.

The wooden walls have splatters of blood, as did the floor. The floor held a giant pool of blood that seeped through the rug in the center of the room.

My mind was blank, all I could feel was rage. Why? What's happening?

My mind was blank, yet lively.

I was angry, yet happy.

She was in pain, yet bliss.

The screams were begging, yet they were calm.

My vision is black, yet I can see perfectly.

It was darker, yet darker.

She? Why she?
What's going on?

All I can see is darkness and emptiness.

I started to breathe heavy as if I had just ran a marathon at a full sprint all the way through, coming out in first.

The adrenaline was coursing through my skeletal body. Though I couldn't guess why I was so angry, my heart was racing a mile a minute.

As the world became clearer, so did the screams of pain, the spills of their crimson blood became more evident on my white hands and buttoned shirt.

My body was moving involuntarily.

The world was fuzzy, yet I knew exactly where I was.

And what I was doing.

A repeating stab motion with my arms, I gripped a sharp bone harshly as it came upon my sorry victim.

I knew where I was, what I was holding, I just want to know who I'm attacking. And why?

As she became clearer and clearer, the ringing of her screams and laughter filled my ears in pain.

Yet all I could feel was rage.

SANS: 0.18/1 HP

Someone was grabbing at my shoulders, clawing at them, begging; pleading me to stop.

Their hands were soft and large, fit for a softie, and not a leader.
Their white paws were trying to get me out of this trance I seemed to be in.

Yet his words were blocked out by my self Conscience and fury.

The human girl had tan skin, and a brown bob haircut. She lied on the floor, and I towered above her, repeated motions, killing her slowly.

She looked so familiar, yet seemed so different.
Who was she?

My skull hurt. My eyes were wide open, yet I relieved this dream I once had forgotten about.

I need to see her eyes. If I can see her eyes, I can see her facial features and remember her name.
Even if her stomach is being mutilated by me.

My vision became clearer, yet the clearer it became, the more I grew to hate.
The more my soul blackened.

I couldn't take this. My skull was going to burst. The cracks against my head were gigantic, I could feel them. My soul hurt, the more I stabbed the girl the more I wanted to scream.

Over and over and over again. I stabbed her. Like I had been waiting to do it my entire life.

The other Sans cackled, grinning a grin 4 times as big as mine. His intentions weren't good, I quickly figured.

He's going to kill me!
I can't die!

Clenching the bone in my hand, I shove the bone into his chest, impaling him and causing him to stumble back, releasing his grasp from my head.

SANS: 0.10/1 HP

He looked at his chest, hovering his hands around it, laughing mechanically. "You really think you've destroyed me? The darkness in your soul?" He laughed, smacking his skull as if he had just heard a good joke.

"This is only the beginning. This isn't the end."

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