CHAPTER 18: Wounded

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(This Chapter happens directly after chapter 16)

Frisk POV:

Trudging out of the in-home hospital, I began to think that 'escaping' was a bad idea. Though, because of my many years of training and developed paranoia of other Mafias, my mind eventually wandered out of that thought.

I had gripped my shoulder as I wobbled down the empty halls to stop the potential blood flow from my 'two' gun shots. I can believe I let her escape.

No security down multiple hallways. They're too trusting and too sloppy.

I chuckled at the fact of them actually leaving me alone. Is anyone smart here?

My wounds were starting to pulse in sync to my heart beat, and my hand wasn't stopping the worsening stain of blood on my shoulder as it suck to my skin.

Did she leave the bullets in?

While my vision was still clear, for the most part, I stopped for a bit to allowed my mind to catch up with my slow-moving body and attempted to look down at my bleeding shot hazily.

What the Hell was I thinking? I can't see inside of my shoulder!

I shook my head at my stupidness of the situation. Normally, it was me to think logically, MMO's idiotic ness is probably wearing off on me.

It's probably the loss of blood if anything.

But in reality, they are all stupid.

I continued to roam the halls aimlessly, as I did not know where I was. I could see the security cameras at every corner of every hallway, and no one had come to get the bleeding girl in a medical down?

My point. Stupid. Disorganized.

In fact, I had been walking at a snails pace for so long, my vision had worsened by the minute due to my incompetence at not grabbing a second bandage.

Although it seemed like hours, it's probably only been a few minutes.

My feet had eventually began to feel heavy as the halls started spinning around me, and to the point where I couldn't differentiate the small separations between the plants of wood on the floor.

I eventually had to stop myself again, not long after stopping myself earlier to catch myself from falling down and onto the floor.

Knowing if I fell down, I probably wouldn't have been able to stand back up, and I'd surely be caught, and if I fell, I would probably let my eyes close from the rapidly gaining fatigue.

I propped myself up against the wall, my hurt shoulder gliding across the wall, as a few doors came into view.

Is that the exit?

My footsteps grew even heavier, as did my breathing.

It's not the first time you've have a lethal wound. You can do this.

I let at a small smile as I remembered
C. H. E. S. S. and the hard working Mafia I had come to love.

Why did I have to be so careless on this mission? I still haven't completed my task. Will Alex be mad if I came back, and many monsters knowing of my existence.

No. He wouldn't be mad. He'd be furious.

I still can't help but to think of the people that had helped me though my rough times at the Mafia and during my years of training.

Am I going to die here?

How long have I been away? Shouldn't they have a search party looking out for me by now?

Taking cover <Frans>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin