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"Ne, Sei-kun."


"Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

The cold breeze brushed past the red haired boy's cheek and he closed his eyes, playfully swinging his feet back and forth.

"Well, I can see myself helping Father with our business and responsibilities." he hummed. "Why did you ask?"

"I don't know..." the bluenette mumbled and laid on the dock that they were currently sat on. "I just feel like everything will change once we turn eighteen and we'll have to adjust into the adult world, which I am honestly not looking forward to at all."

Mismatched eyes slowly opened and he looked at his best friend beside him for a moment, before deciding to lay down next to him; not caring if the dock was filthy.

"That's what being an adult means, I guess?" Akashi lightheartedly chuckled and turned to flash Kuroko a cheeky grin. "So we should seize our childhood while it lasts! We have ten more years to go before we turn eighteen, and that's enough time for us!"

"You're right," A small smile made its way onto Kuroko's lips and he looked up the starry sky.

"We should."


The two fell into a comfortable silence and Kuroko decided to speak up.


"What is it, Tetsu-chan?" Akashi asked .

"'re going to find someone that you really love and you're going to marry them." Kuroko spoke with a sad smile. "And I will watch from the front seat as you state your vows to each other. I will be left alone...all by myself."

"Eh? What are you talking about?" Akashi's brows furrowed and he got up, looking down at Kuroko in confusion. "What made you think of such a thing, Tetsu-chan?"

"Because that's what our future is destined to be." Kuroko laughed softly, his eyes watering as he gazed upon the stars. "You're an Alpha, Sei-kun. You hold a high status, you're loved by everyone, you're good at sports, studies and you're charming. Who wouldn't want someone like that?"


"While in comparison, I'm an omega, a slave, lowly person and a nobody." Kuroko sighed, his eyes fluttering close. "I am weak, Sei-kun...I am not good at things. I am only a breeding machine, that's my role in this society. That's why I would probably be alone in the future."

"Don't you dare say such nonsense!"

Startled blue eyes shot open and he was surprised that Akashi was wearing an angry expression, which was quite rare since he wasn't the one who you can easily tick off.


Kuroko sat up and looked at his best friend with a worried look.

"It's true though, I'm nothing"

"None of the things that you've said is true, Tetsu-chan!" Akashi gritted his teeth, his hands curling up into a ball. "Yes, you are an omega! But you're stronger than you give yourself credit for!"

Casual Affair | Akakuro [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now