Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Naruto slowly approached Archer, who sat himself down as the bow-wielding servant started to go in motes of light. "You were holding back on me, weren't you?"

The sane Berserker laughed at the displeasure of Archer, to the annoyance of said servant. Naruto sat himself down and smirked. "I would've destroyed you in 10 seconds tops. 5 to charge up my noble phantasm, 1 for it to make its way towards you, and 4 for it to penetrate your shield if you had activated it."

Archer's mood seemed to have soured.

"Your master, the Tohsoka, has perished, hasn't she?" Naruto questioned, his eyes glancing at the destroyed castle.

"No, since the grail is destroyed, there is nothing helping her to sustain my stay. She's also drained of mana from having to briefly power the whole grail."

Naruto laughed. "I'm guessing you saved her?"

"Me? Or the brat?" Archer asked lightheartedly.

Naruto shook his head in amusement. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, Emiya. Unless of course, you are to be summoned by Alaya in order to protect humanity from itself."

Archer's face visibly went from amusement to dread at the mention of his true master. "Even if we kill some people, the world is still doomed for nuclear Armageddon, unless Alaya or Gaia actively rewrites history so you won't be summoned." In the last part, Naruto groaned, making the bow-servant gain a coy smirk. "Ironic considering Gods used to hold the power to destroy the world."

This time Naruto's face scrunched up in at the mention of Gods. "Well if I had been summoned as Caster, I would have the power to blow the world to dust."

"You would be considered a diety or primordial God," Archer pointed out. At this point, all that was left was his upper body.


Then Archer took his last breath as he vanished in motes of light, departing from the world and returning to Alaya. Naruto remained in relative silence as he sighed.


His clone that was protecting Illyasviel suddenly emerged from the tree line to his right, it's objective slowly making her way past it. "Berserker!"

Naruto nodded at the clone, which it returned before dispelling itself. "Illy," he said with a smile.

The small girl launched herself into his body and hugged him tightly. "So this is it, huh?"

"You should know by now that I'll stay here as long as you can supply me with mana," Naruto said cheekily. "I will protect you, even if I have to become a monster..."


Naruto's face turned into a confused frown at the response. "No...?"

"I don't want you to become something you don't want to be!" Illyasviel declared, clutching to the fabric of his orange jumpsuit tighter. "I-I will summon you like yourself as... a-as..."

"Caster or Assassin would do," Naruto said with a smirk. "If you're gonna do that, then here... If you just continue to feed it mana, it should be able to stay in the physical plane." He reached for his collar and removed his crystal necklace. "Hm... I don't suppose you know how you summoned me in the first place?"

"I think the stone slab I used was used somewhere in your village before?"

"No, it was the soil."

"The soil...?"

"The place where you built your castle was the place of my home and the place of my death. Do you know why the Holy Grail War took place in Fyuki City?"

"Wasn't because it was a remote place and the ley line?"

"The ley line is made up of the last vestiges of my chakra and that of the tailed beasts... As well as countless Gods' and Goddesses' blood and divinity," Naruto smiled, "this should ensure that you'll summon me, although you might summon the old hag or Hashirama."

When a look of confusion appeared on Illyasviel's face, Naruto laughed and pat her on the head. "Well, you should resummon to me soon, right? Well, cya."

His hand started to disappear in motes of light as his body started to decompose and return to mana. Illyasviel's eyes started to water as she felt a pang in her heart at seeing her servant slowly disappearing. Then she felt something wet touch her forehead.

Time slowed down as Naruto kissed Illyasviel's forehead.

"Don't take too long now."

With that, Illyasviel's servant disappeared in soft motes of light which eventually disappeared from her eyes. Despite knowing she would see him again, her eyes started to pour out tears. She closed her eyes, forcing the tears to stop.

"So the world is still gonna end, huh?" a voice said behind her, making Illyasviel's eyes widen. "Despite me trying to reject his ideas... Kill one to save a billion..."

"S-So... You're gonna kill me?" Illyasviel asked silently.

"You've caused enough suffering... But that won't solve anything..." Illyasviel heard the grounding of gravel as her brother walked to her, stopping next to her. "We've both lost something important..."

Illyasviel's eyed widened as she turned her head to Shirou's face. "..."

"I don't suppose you have a camera, do you?" Shirou asked as he turned around, Rin's body lifted on his shoulder. "A computer would suffice..."


"-talks are breaking down as the United States and Russia are unlocking their nuclear weapons... The United Kingdom, France, and Germany are also said to be unlocking their nuclear weapons... Nuclear pro-"

Suddenly the news anchor fizzled out and a solemn-looking man with red hair and a Japanese face stared at the camera intensely. "My name is Archer... I was the one to detonate the "nuclear" weapons in the city. Though the "nuclear" weapon isn't a good term... I prefer a Beast Bomb. If my demands aren't met, I will destroy the following cities: London, Moscow, Bejing, Tokyo, and Washington D.C. My demands are simple-"


Illyasviel knew that Shirou was in agonizing pain as his ideals shattered with every word he spoke. His threat was very much real, having used a command seal for Saber to destroy the cities at certain times. The first place was something that was a serious threat: the clock tower. If the magus' were to engage them as they were now, they were definitely dead and for the plan to work, they needed to be alive long enough to stage the attacks.

I should be taking satisfaction in seeing him break...

She subconsciously clutched the last thing Berserker gave her. I'm sorry, Berserker...

Snow End

May rewrite this story so stay tuned, also there is a bonus chapter after this one.

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