Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Her prediction a few days prior was right on, her redhead prey had somehow tracked the magical energy to Ryuudo Temple, probably with Archer's senses. The Archer-Saber alliance had made their way to the temple and ran right to the gate.

Saber seemed warier this time around as she doesn't have her magical armor. Archer seemed to have taken another vantage spot far away.

Everything was falling into place, honestly, she didn't really know how she guessed it right (probably because of the plot) but she was thankful for the chance.

"Good thing you have arrived, I was getting bored waiting~" she hummed. "Berserker was getting restless without anything to do."

The Tohsoka pointed an accusing finger at Illyasviel. "You mean your hack?! I call hacks! You must be cheating or something!"

The snow-haired magus blinked in surprise at the outburst. "Wha-?" It wasn't that she didn't know the vocabulary of the words the Tohsoka said, it was that how would a traditional mage know such words?

"Tohsoka..." Shirou grumbled to the twin-tailed magus. The said magus turned beet red.

Putting the outburst to the back of his mind, Illyasviel's face broke into a grin. "How is your armor, Saber? I hope it wasn't scratched up too badly," she asked.

For her credit, Saber didn't waver but her breathing sped up before cooling itself. The armor probably meant something to her.

She clasped her hands together behind her back and her grin turned into a smile. Oh, how she loved this. "Berserker, kill her~"

The spot that was occupied by her servant became vacant as her servant charged at Saber.

The steps suddenly went from perfectly fine to rubble as Saber once again redirected Berserker's strike. She didn't account for the tails, however.

Two of the servant's tails lashed out at Saber, sending her flying and wounded. She spat blood out as she crashed through the woods that surrounded the temple.

Taking this as an opening, Archer fired a barrage of arrows at Illyasviel.

A smirk formed on Illyasviel's face. The arrows hit a magical shield rather than Illyasviel himself. A ball of curses shot towards Illyasviel as a follow-up but it had the same results.

A curse escaped the Tohsoka's mouth.

Shirou himself charged forward, a reinforced bar at hand. He went for a side swing but Illyasviel caught it with a disapproving look on her face. "You didn't inherit dad's crest, did you?"

A look of surprise and shock flashed on the red-head. "D-Dad?"

A rainbow streak headed at Illyasviel at frightening speeds. Her eyes widened as the noble phantasm came soaring towards her. "Berserker!" A command seal disappeared

The familiar crimson that she had seen the past two months appeared before her once again, his maw open with his noble phantasm ready. "Raa!"

The beam of energy consumed the rainbow streak. It gave her a sense of re-


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