Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Anger, happiness, and sadness. These are words that could define his life. He imagined a large family and as an Uzumaki, he would be able to see his children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, and possibly more if he pushed his luck. That notion and dream of a large family came crashing down when the so-called "gods" arrived.

People who he considered family all but in blood. His wife, friends, mentors, all dead at the hands of the invaders. Then he had received a miracle, the ability to possibly save his world at the cost of his sanity.

It was well worth it.

However his wish changed, once he saw the amount of history, culture, and independence the humans had accomplished. They became independent of the so-called "gods," well mostly, and advanced way beyond the technology he had in his world ever.

Then there was his master. His snowflake. His daughter...

If he truly asked for the salvation of his world, then the world he was fighting it wouldn't exist, she wouldn't exist. It was truly selfish, the abandoning if thousands of lives for the sake of one. He even destroyed a city, a city full of tens of thousands, in order to protect his master.

Not even the pure lands would accept him back at this point for what he had done.

Even though he committed all these atrocities, even though his master might be a bit mentally challenged, he would protect her. He swore on his undying ninja code. He would protect her even after the war.

His wish. His wish was that Illyasviel would live the happiest life. A life that was taken by her burning childish desire of vengeance. Yet, he might not be able to wish even for that.

For he might destroy the grail in order to protect Illyasviel.


"Berserker! Destroy it!"

Berserker hesitated, for that was the grail, no matter how twisted it was. The ultimate wish-granting device that could possibly rewrite history. That hesitation resulted in his wish to be lost.

"Berserker!" Illyasviel screamed as she was swallowed by the goo.

"Graaa!" he roared as a tailed-beast bomb formed and fired, quickly severing the goo. He quickly grabbed Illyasviel and ran, leaving Leysritt and Sella to fend for themselves.

"Sella," Leysritt said in emotionless agony. She quickly made it to her sister who passed out from exhaustion. She embraced her sister tightly.

The goo quickly consumed them.


"Sella! Leysritt!" Illyasviel screamed. Berserker quickly pivoted and fired a weak tailed beast bomb. "Berserker destroy that!"

Berserker quickly turned heel and continued to run before stopping and turning to the quick-moving goo. "Graa!"

This time a full tailed-beast bomb formed and fired. It delayed it but suddenly tendrils burst out from the ground and bounded Berserker but broke down when it made contact with the cloak.

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