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First, I know I'll get a lot of things wrong in this fanfic. Especially things concerning the Nasuverse. As such, please correct me in anything regarding facts, information, stats, etc. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Illyasviel Von Einzbern roamed the snow blanked forest aimlessly. She was downtrodden, she has yet to summon a servant, and although it was years early, she really wanted to summon him now.

She wanted to find the boy that stole her father away. She wanted her servant to crush the redhead until the only thing that distinguished him from a pool of fruit juice was the guts.

Life wasn't fair, she lost everything that she held dear. Her mother, her father, she lost her world.

A growl from the trees broke her out of her thoughts.

Instinctively, Illyasviel backed away in fear and started to run to her right.

Life wasn't fair. Life isn't fair. Life is death, so what was the meaning of life? Why live when you could be relieved of all your pain?

For what felt like hours were actually minutes as she got out of the forest, pain coursed through her body. Her shoulder went numb as sharp canines dug into her. She screamed as more pain coursed through her body.

"Help! Someone help!" she cried. Then the wolves backed away from her, allowing her breathing space.

- Snow -

A figure overshadowed her, six almost transparent tails waved behind it as appendages. Its eyes were just circles of white. Bone armor overlaid the crimson energy. It was so inhumane that she mistook it as a demon.

Then, Illyasviel felt a new pain, yet it was pain that she wanted. The pain of the command seals imprinting itself on her. The symbol of a master.

The fox-like being stood emotionless as the wolves barred their fangs against it. Only to collapse due to eating the energy that made up the being.

Illyasviel was speechless as the dead carcasses of the wolves laid before her and the being. She used her identification Mystic Code to confirm something.

Her eyes went up to the demonic face of her savior. "Berserker."

She read the name of her berserker and was a bit disappointed at what she read. It's not Hercules like I wanted... but... Her servant's stats were top notch, almost all its stats were EX.

Name - Naruto Uzumaki
Class - Berserker

Strength - EX
Endurance - EX
Agility - A+
Mana - EX
Luck - A++
NP - A+

Her servant... was not gold, rather it was pure diamonds. Naruto Uzumaki... I never... I never heard of that name.

Noble Phantasms:

Tailed Beast Bomb - A++
A ball of energy that is capable to destroy mountains.

Sentience - A
A mode where the Mad skill is lifted and he gains sanity. Lasts only 10 minutes. Consumes a command seal to activate.

Konoha - Locked

Rasengan - Locked

Illyasviel noted the locked Noble Phantasms and knew it's requirements, Naruto's sanity. While she did want a berserker just for its mad skill, it was tempting to give her servant sentience.

It was getting late, she duly noted. Snow started to fall, and a crimson hand extended to her. Which, Illyasviel happily took.

Prologue End

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