Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Illyasviel groaned as she sat up, her head hurting as if she hit something extremely hard and dense.

Looking around, she saw Berserker clawing the ground, probably in boredom. His clawing produced a feel hole and she could spot a dozen of them. He stopped his movements and his eyes went to her.

Was it a dream? She looked at her command seals and found two of them gone.

She felt something in her other hand, it felt like crystals or one of those pinecones she used to collect when she played Kiritsugu. Her heart soured at the comparison.

The thing in her hand was disgusting, it didn't look like the crystal that she felt it is, she had to stop herself from gagging. This was... This was her heart.

She was not careless to drop it instantly, knowing what it was, instead, she used her other hand to be her chest. There was no hole. She released a sigh of relief at that knowledge. She sent her eyes to her servant.

So it wasn't a dream... Her servant really removed the holy grail from her... He also regenerated it as well...

Seeing the beating heart, her eyes narrowed. "I will win this war... Berserker, mama..."


Illyasviel roamed the destroyed streets of Fyuki, she was slightly disturbed by the carnage. Her eyes went to a television screen on display at the electronic shop.

"-casualties number from 100 to 3,000... This is by far the most devastating catastrophe in Fyuki City's long history, even surpassing the great fire that happened 7 years ago..."

She deflated at that, but she steeled herself, she will finish the war now, the current chaos would permit the loss of a household and it's inhabitants, right?

Then there was the matter about Lancer's and the golden-haired bastard's masters. Unless Lancer's master was the golden-haired man... But no modern magus or person in this day and age had that much power... She had seen what those weapons were... Noble Phantasms...

"Are you okay, little girl?" a voice asked to her right. It was a police officer and he obviously saw her pitiful state her clothing was in.

"I'm alright..."

The police officer talked into his communication device. "Do you know where your parents are?"

A devious plot formed in her mind. "Y-Yes, they're at home..."


"Reports are now coming in, there have been a confirmed 14 buildings that have collapsed, confirmed casualties are currently at 3,675 and rising..."

Shirou Emiya winced and a downcast expression formed as he watched the result of Berserker's battle. His hand clenched to a fist in anger. W-Why...

"Shirou..." he heard Saber's voice call out.

Then there was the matter of their casualties. Saber was grievously injured, only surviving from Rin's limited knowledge of medical magic. Rin was depleted of magical energy from having to power 2 of Archer's attacks.

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