Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Shirou took in the sight before him, the sight of the bleeding form of the little girl who caused him so much pain. He should end her, right? Any ordinary person would've gone insane for vengeance and killed her.

He was no ordinary person, however, even amongst magi he wasn't ordinary. His ideals of being a hero of justice.

Is it justice to condemn the little girl to die? Is it even right?

He was very conflicted, the clash between his ideals and his emotions clashed.

Kill her to save ten, or maybe a hundred. If he killed her now, she wouldn't be able to hurt him or anyone else again.

Yet, pity rose up.

Sensing his inner conflict, Illyasviel's eyes darkened. "J-Just kill me now..." There was no point in living now, even if the redhaired boy was merciful, she would die and sacrificed to summon the grail.

Her life was forfeit the moment her grandfather prepared her for the war. Her vision thinned and narrowed due to blood loss. Tears rolled down her face and her mouth quivered. "The only person I have left i- Grrrgggkkk!" She spat out blood, interrupting her speech.

She probably only had a minute or so. She only survived till now because of the countless modifications and her pain tolerance. "Y-You stole Kiritsugu... Thi-is damnable w-war claimed mother... I only live now because of the same war..." She turned her dying gaze to the redhaired bastard. "Kill me."

The redhaired magus stumbled backward in shock. The twin-tailed magus behind him didn't hesitate and set Saber down. "Very well..." she said blankly. She pointed her finger at the white-haired magus and mana gathered at her fingertip.

Illyasviel's command seal hand glowed eerily red.

Time seemed to slow down as a certain blue-haired servant suddenly appeared before them. A blonde man appearing on the opposite side of the clearing.





Illyasviel coughed as she felt her lungs being restored. The pain receded as her injuries healed. What happened?

"You know, you're a devilish girl," a solemn voice said from her right.

Slowly turning her head to her right, she took note of the feeling of cloth but it wasn't a pillow. She blushed when she noticed that the man who supposedly saved her was shirtless. "W-Who are you?!"

A foxy grin appeared on the whiskered man's face. "Naruto Uzumaki, Berserker-class servant." When he grinned, his whiskers seemed to broaden, giving him a fox-like look.

"B-Berserker...?" Illyavsiel breathed out in disbelief. How did he g- "Oh." A quick look at her command seals confirmed her unwritten thoughts.

The smile on Berserker seemed to widen. "I've been waiting to talk to you in forever! We certainly have a lot of things to talk about in the next 6 minutes!"

"What about Shirou and..." Her mind blurred as she tried to remember the moment before she blacked out.

"Lancer? Well, I quickly subdued him and quickly left with you. You were dying after all. Couldn't really deliver a strong one, had to do a quick one. Though I'm sure I broke rib or two, so about all his ribs are broken?"


Illyavsiel nodded and turned to her servant. "I'm sorry... I nearly died and you would've lost your chance to win the grail," she sincerely apologized.

"Nah. It's fine, I should be the one to blame, I couldn't protect you even when I gained my sanity," he waved her off. "I'm sorry Illy... I couldn't protect you from the pain. I couldn't comfort you when you were depressed despite me being beside you."

Illy? No one has called me that... Only Illya or Illyasviel. It warmed heart, her servant made a unique nickname for her. "What happened to the golden bastard? Ochie!"

Naruto sent a condescending stare at her. "Illy, no swearing."

"Yes... Big brother."


The blonde servant froze, his eyes widened and his heart raced. She called me... Big brother...

The only one to call him that was Konohamaru but while the Sarutobi usually said it in admiration, Illyasviel said it in a way that made his heartbreak.


Knowing his history, Illyavsiel's eyes softened. "You are by far my only big brother in the world." She could even call him her step-dad or something. "You, Sella, and Leysritt are the only ones I have... and I don't want to lose that. Even if they're plastic memories and even the only fun I had was when I play video games. I shall cherish the memories we had together..."


Laughter erupted from the servant. "Say Illy, you want to fly?" His form suddenly erupted in gold. "Every angel learns how to fly sometime," while he said this, he internally winced.

Illyasviel's eyes sparkled. "Yes!" The numb pain disappeared and in its place was pure joy.

Picking up his small white-haired master, Naruto steadied her. "Enjoy the short ride!"


Illyasviel's eyes sparkled in delight as the wind rushed past her. Then she saw the city, well what's left of it anyways. A large portion of the city, mainly the outskirts, was wiped off the face of the Earth.

It must be the result of Ber- no, Naruto's and the blonde bastard's fight. She felt a minor pain from her cheeks. "Owww! Wwwwhhhhheeee?!"

"I can read your thoughts, Illy."

Illyavsiel's cheeks turned rosy in embarrassment.


Turning her gaze back to the city, she ignored the missing portion and turned her eyes to the city. It was beautiful, the lights and tall buildings illuminated the city from her distance. "Like Heaven..."

Unbeknownst currently to Illyasviel, Naruto's mood darkened at the comparison. "Yeah, like Heaven..."

Illyasviel blinked before turning her eyes back to her servant. Her eyes widened in shock. "I-I'm sorry-!"

She was interrupted when Naruto jabbed his middle and index finger to her forehead. "Don't feel bad for a person who is out of time, you'll grow as old me."

Silence. "Y-You know that's i-impossible," Illyasviel said, her eyes downcast at that dark detail. "With me being the grail and all..."

They descended and landed on the solid ground.

"Hey, Illy."



"I'm sorry."

Suddenly pain erupted from her left breast as her servant stuck his hand into her. "Wha-?" The world turned black.


Taking out the small crystal that was the catalyst of the grail, he quickly healed his master. Seeing her labored breaths, Naruto's heart ached. "I'm sorry, Illy..." he whispered as a golden glow surrounded her and the wound in her chest healing itself.

Taking a look at his master once more, he smiled before putting the catalyst of the grail in her hand. "Have a long life, snow angel."



Chapter 6 End

That's pretty much how I'm only gonna use the sentient noble phantasm. Berserker Naruto is already powerful as he is, I don't necessarily need a more overpowered character.

New A/N: Updated this story twice today... Hehehe.

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