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Harry felt something poke his cheek. He was warm and comfortable, so he decided to ignore the pokey force and go back to bed.


He groaned, rolling over, trying to ignore this poking feeling.


Another poke. He tried rolling over again, but unfortunately, beds aren't infinite and he ended up on the floor in a large amount of pain. He jolted up very confused. The floor was very hard, and he was tangled in a mess of blankets and a pillow. He looked up from where he fell from, where Louis was looking over the bed very concerned.

"You okay there?" Louis let out a hesitant chuckle.

"Yep." Harry groaned, standing up.

"Well good," Louis smirked. "Because it's Christmas!"

Harry snapped his head up. It was Christmas! How could he have forgotten already? He threw the blanket back on the bed and attacked Louis with dramatic kisses. "Merry Christmas Lou!"

"Ew," Louis dramatically wiped his face. "At least brush your teeth first."


Harry didn't know if Christmas breakfast was a common thing, but he had definitely never heard of it.  That's why it surprised him when he walked into the dining room to see a full spread on the table.

A quick scan of the table showed him eggs, maple bacon, jalapeno home fries, pancakes, fruit bowls, and bagels. And that was only one side of the table. He couldn't even imagine how early Jay had to wake up to prepare all of this.

On cue, Jay walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hand on her apron. "Morning boys!"

"Morning mom," Louis grumbled beside him. He let out a yawn, taking a seat at the table.

"Wow Jay, how long did it take you to make all this?" Harry exclaimed, smacking Louis, who was half-asleep on the table, on the shoulder.

"I slept in too, Harry," Jay laughed, grabbing plates from the other end of the table. "You do know that it's almost noon right?"

No, Harry did not know that. They slept for quite a long time last night it seems. Harry just assumed that it was nine or ten o'clock, but this was more like a brunch.

"Let's not waste any more time then. You boys eat, then it's presents time." Jay smiled and walked into the other room.

There were a few moments of comfortable silence as Louis and Harry served themselves. Harry took a generous portion of eggs, bacon, potatoes, and basically anything that he could fit on his plate. 

"So," Louis wiggled his eyebrows. "What did you get me?"

Harry snorted, almost spitting out the eggs in his mouth. "Sorry love. There's about a zero percent chance I'm going to tell you that information."

Louis shrugged. "It was worth a try."

They both chucked before shoving more food into their mouth. They sank into another comfortable silence, filling the room with the sound of cutlery on plates. 

Once in a while, one of them would look at the other, wiggling their eyebrows. That sent both of them into a laughing fit in the stupidest, but the best way.


"You guys are finally done eating?" Lottie rolled her eyes, playfully shoving Louis to the side. "That only took about six hundred years."

"Shut up Lots, you know I need my beauty sleep," Louis pouted. "Tell her Harry!"

Harry smirked. "Sorry Lou, but I'm with her on this one. I swear you slept about nineteen hours yesterday."

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