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It was third period when Harry got the dreaded text. Most people would enjoy receiving a text from their significant other, it brings a smile to the lips of the majority of the population. But not Harry. Harry himself was in denial of that fact. He thought it's what a relationship was supposed to feel like once the honeymoon stage had passed. That thought was evidently present in his third-period math class.

Harry ran a hand through his head of curls as the clocked ticked ever so slowly. He let his pencil tap the desk to the rhythm of whatever song he was pretending to listen to in his head. It was no secret that Harry hated this class, especially with the teacher being dreadfully boring.

As much as he wanted to go on his phone, he couldn't be sent to the office for it, not when there was so much work to cover today. As boring as the class was, Harry wasn't in the mood for failing, so he resorted to picking at the loose strands of his fuzzy sweater.

A buzz resonated through the sweater signifying that Harry got a text. He weighed the pros and cons in his head. The text was probably from Liam, so it could be super important, or complete garbage. He let go of the single strand of yarn he was toying with and decided that the teacher wasn't going to notice if Harry did a headstand on his desk. Without bothering to unlock his phone, Harry quickly read the message.

'Hey babe! Want to hang out?'

Honestly, Harry hated the word babe with a passion. Liam knew that but said it so often just to annoy him. Every time the word gets spoke out of someone's lips, the only thing Harry can picture is his needing girlfriend yelling 'babe, BABE' at him like a freaking pigeon. Well, that's one of the sacrifices you need to make to be in a relationship.

'Babe, answer me'

Harry looked down at his lap once more and swore after seeing 'Jacqueline.' as the heading. This girl doesn't text in 4 months and when she does, she needs something from him. Well, technically the words she used were 'hang out' but Harry knew exactly what that meant.

'Jacqueline, im in class. You are too.'

The text sent, and Harry could see her dumb little sad face sitting in class. Honestly, how was this girl passing her classes? Harry couldn't think of one time where Jacqueline wasn't cheating off of someone else for the mark. He had tried to tutor her once, but she was never in the mood to learn. Looking back at it, it was probably just her excuse to be in the same room as him so that she could suck his face off.

'Fine babe, ill meet you after school'

A list of excuses flew through Harry's head. Which one should he use this time? He was producing a perfectly formulated response when he heard a monotonous voice cut through the classroom.

"Mr Styles. Is there a problem with your crotch?" The teacher pointed at Harry with the yellow piece of chalk he was using to write equations.

Usually, Harry would take this time to poke fun at the yellow chalkdust that formed handprints on the teacher's dark trousers, or the crosseyed expression that was played across his face. That was a little difficult when the whole class was turned towards him and staring at his crotch.

"Sorry, I uh, I was just texting my girlfriend about something." Harry decided it was probably the best to be completely honest. Everyone would understand relationship struggles; it's a room full of teenagers. Harry was trying to be a good person, and honesty was probably the better way to go.

Snickers and whistles filled the air as his classmates whispered to each other, but the focus was still on Harry's frontal region.

"Oh my god, no," Harry sunk his hands into his hands as he realized what he had just said. He wished he was in bed right now. Harry's bed was warm, soft, and way less embarrassing than the current situation. Plus, his bed had more pillows. He settled on burying his face in his sweater. At least Louis wasn't in this class.

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