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"Harry December sir!" Harry smiled, walking into his English class. It was the first day of December, but also the first day Harry was going back to school after the incident. Louis was still at home. He decided to take the day to spend time with his mum, and then he would come back tomorrow. Harry couldn't blame him.

"Happy December Harry," Mr Wikards smiled back at him. "Have you been working on your essay while you were gone?"

"Um... yes." Harry lied. He hadn't worked on his essay at all. He mostly spent his days at home cuddling, watching movies, and eating ice cream. And he got away with all that because his mom, and everyone else, felt completely sorry for him. 

"Good good."

Harry walked to his desk. He had completely forgotten about his essay. He wasn't even sure when it was due. Miraculously, his mind felt clear and focused, like the break from working had reset him. 

Before he knew it, it was lunch. The first two periods had caused no problems for him, He spent most of his time either working or studying. He felt oddly cheery today. 

He had just closed his locker when a blond boy walked up to him.

"How are you doing Harry?" Niall asked nervously. He spoke like he was walking on eggshells, choosing his words carefully to not break anything.

"I'm actually doing pretty well," Harry smiled at the poor boy, who looked like he was about to cry.

Harry wasn't lying when he said he was doing well. The first few days after the incident was rough, he had to admit. That was back when his face was still messed up and his mom still blamed herself. 

He didn't see much of Louis after the first day either. He was recovering by himself at home with his family. Harry had learned that family was something that was really important to him, so it was probably best for him to be around them for that time being.

Of course, Harry still checked up in him once in a while over text, just to make sure he was still alright and not hurting himself. Even in his own state, Harry was ready to drop everything and run to Louis' house if he needed to. Louis even admitted that he had tried to hurt himself, but he couldn't do it without feeling the rough hands of Harry's father on his arms. 

A few days after the incident, something in Harry snapped. He wouldn't call it a mental breakdown per se, but it was probably a mental breakdown. He found out that he had a habit of having those. Just like a couple days after Liam died when he ended up alone at the graveyard in the pouring rain, trying to scratch the skin off his arms. 

This time, he ended up running tough his kitchen and into his backyard, shouting about an invisible swarm of flies that was apparently chasing him. At least that's what his mom told him. He didn't actually remember anything but waking up in the hospital. The doctor said it was normal to have mild hallucinations after a trauma, but Harry still heard him ask his mum if he had any pre-existing mental conditions or drug dependencies. 

He couldn't explain it if he tried. Maybe that's just how his body liked to cope. Some people liked to cry, some like to exercise, and some like to drink. For Harry, one mental breakdown per trauma, and he'll be a-ok. It was almost comedic.

After the hospital, he had a long conversation with his mum that ended in them both accepting that it was a rough situation, but it was neither of their faults. They had a long hug and then agreed that they both needed each other.

"How are you?" Harry asked the blond.

He didn't miss the way Niall's eyes darted to the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. The boy seemed so nervous.

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