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It's not like Harry doesn't like to go to school. He just doesn't want to deal with the things that go on in his school. You could argue that that's the same thing, but in Harry's mind, they're completely different. Why blame the building when it's so much easier just to blame everybody inside?

Facing his parents every day was no easy task. Harry tried to gracefully sneak off to school without his parents realizing but, for the third day in a row, ended up tripping on the last step that he always forgot existed. Swears flew out of his mouth as he heard his mum calling him over.

"Harry honey, sometimes you remind me of a young giraffe learning to walk." She laughed at his tumble. Harry did not see why that was funny. Three days of silence and this is what he's presented with.

Heading over to the kitchen, he saw his dad reading a newspaper and one end of a marble table. When did he become that kind of father? He awkwardly plopped his bum down on a barstool near the kitchen doorway and waited for the clock to hit a suitable leaving time.

"At least grab something to eat honey," his mother looked at looked at him with a frown. "And can you at least sit at the table with your father?"

A frown fell on Harry's own lips. "Mum, I've told you a hundred times that I can't eat before nine or I get sick. Also, I can't stand being near that guy remember? I'm running late. Bye."

Harry didn't wait for a response before he stood up and turned around, but he figured he wouldn't get any more than a sigh. He wasn't running late; he had an hour to spare actually, but he figured it was more worth his time to spend it at school.

He sent a quick text to his best friend once he started his short walk to school.

'hey li, im going early. you coming anytime soon?'

He immediately felt his phone buzz in his hand before seeing the message on his lock screen.

'nah, can't today. Family stuff. Ill see you when school starts.'

Liam never failed to impress with how fast he could type. As Harry entered the door of the school, he recognized a certain brunet walk into his English room. Harry knew the boy was in his class, and he knew he sat in the front, but that's about all he knew. What he definitely didn't know was why the boy was walking into class an hour before it started. Harry snuck a glance at the reinforced glass window on the door, but couldn't catch a glance at the boy. He also couldn't understand why he was so disappointed about it.


It was only October, but English was already coming out as one of Harry's strong suits. Not only was his mark the best it's ever been, but he was thoroughly enjoying the class, and his teacher was amazing. The English teacher, Mr Wikards, used to be in a band once upon a time.

Harry's thoughts flashed back to that boy he saw walk into the class earlier. He didn't understand why he was so intriguing; Harry didn't even see his face.

The bell for the first period rang and Liam still hasn't shown his face. Harry sighed as he walked into Mr Wilkard's class. The older man offered a smile that Harry did not return. He put his bag down next to the leg of his respected desk.

"Okay guys, I hope everybody had a good weekend," Mr Wilkard stared "Today we're going to be starting a new assignment."

A collective groan was heard around the class and Harry slowly tuned out the words of the teacher in front of him. Harry put his earbuds in and made a mental note to get the instructions from Liam later. He was doodling flowers and animals on his rubric paper when he saw a figure approach him.

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