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"Did you hand it in?" Harry whispered to Louis on the last day of school before Christmas break. 

Louis turned his head to look at Mr Wikard's desk at the front of the room. Harry followed his gaze, spotting the pile of papers on the desk wrapped neatly in a  blue file folder. 

"Yea," Louis breathed out quietly. 

Harry smiled, his heart swelled. "I'm so proud of you."

Louis sheepishly looked down, blushing at his feet. Harry giggled and placed a hand gently on the boy's arm. They were sitting in their usual desks in English, but they weren't actually doing anything today. In fact, Mr Wikards hadn't walked in yet, and no one actually knew where he was. 

"So I was wondering," Louis drummed his fingers against the top of the desk. "Do you and your mum want to come and spend Christmas with us?"

Harry jerked his head up, "Are you sure?"

"Yea of course!" Louis smiled. "I mean, my dad and my sisters are visiting my grandparents, so it's just me and my mum. She wanted a little more company."

"Yea! I mean, that would be awesome," Harry smiled even bigger. "Thank you so much, Lou!"

"You don't have to thank me, if anything, you're doing me a favour for keeping my mom distracted."

"Sorry," Harry felt his face turn red. Christmas was turning him into a little boy again. "I just haven't had a real Christmas in years."

Louis' jaw dropped open. "Are you serious?"

"Yea, I guess my dad just hated the spirit."

"Well Haz, I'm making it my mission to give you the best Christmas ever!"

Harry looked down. "I mean, that's not a hard thing to do. Also, any Christmas with you would be the best one."

He immediately got shushed by Louis right after. The younger boy pulled out his phone, typing something into it and giggling. 

Mr Wikards ran through the door trying to balance a coffee and two very large stacks of paper. While passing the row with containing Harry and Louis, a few papers flew from the stack and landed on the floor. 

Harry reached down to pick them up, but instead of the paper, his hand ran into another. When his hand touched Louis, butterflies ran through his body like it was the first time they've ever touched. The smaller brunette looked at him and giggled and Harry couldn't help but giggle back.

These little moments are what kept Harry going. This spark that they still had after months, even when he and Jaqueline lost it after a week. 

They returned the papers to Mr Wikards and sat back down. Obviously, this was a free period. It was the last day before break and just over half the class were actually there. 

Harry reached into his backpack and grabbed a small container. He offered it to Louis, outstretching his arm towards the boy.

"What is this?" Louis raised his eyebrow sceptically. 

"Open it," Harry smirked. "I made it at work yesterday."

Louis slowly opened the lid, but not before giving Harry a very suspicious look. As soon as he peeked into the container, Louis' eyes lit up. 

"Did you make this?" Louis whispered, astonished. Harry nodded. He pulled the cupcake out of the container carefully, turning it to look at every little angle. "It's amazing."

"It's not that good," Harry shrugged. Truth is, Harry spent almost an hour on just decorating the cupcake, let alone making all the different components. Pat had told him that he didn't really have anything to do, so he could just do whatever he wanted, so he decided to make a cupcake for Louis.

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