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Louis ran down the street as fast as he could, which was not very fast because he was a horrible runner. luckily, his destination was only a couple blocks away from Harry's house, at a small intersection.

His good friend Niall texted him a few minutes ago. A mix of desperation and a plea for help, words that send ice through Louis' veins. 

Louis knew his friend was going to the party, but he also knew for sure that Niall wasn't driving, or taking any car. In fact, the boy only lived a few houses down from the party, it would be completely non-sensible for him to drive. 

That fact was probably the only thing keeping Louis together right now. 

The faint smell of smoke and gasoline lingered in the cool night air as Louis ran closer to the intersection. Screaming carried through the air, paired with desperate sobs. The sound almost made his feet stop from under him, but they somehow continued to pound across the concrete. 

A breeze swept through the midnight street, and Louis was so grateful for the grey sweater that was engulfing him. As soon as he got to his destination, he allowed himself to stand with his hands on his legs, letting air fully fill his lungs. 

And when he looked up, the sight in front of him was horrific. 

The first thing he actually noticed was the stop-sign pole. It wasn't snapped but bent in half, the top almost pointing down at the ground. Then he saw the car... or the pile of metal debris because that's more like what it resembled. The last thing he saw was the shadow of his friend.

"Niall!" Louis called out into the night before running to his friend. Luckily there was almost never any traffic at this small intersection and none in the middle of the night. "Niall, what the hell happened?"

The blond tried to formulate words but instead sank to his knees and sobbed. Tears streamed down his face like waterfalls as choked sobs escaped from his lips. Louis knew his friend was always an emotional drunk, but this was ridiculous.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" Louis frowned.

"It's my fault." Niall managed to somehow choke out, before taking a couple heaving breaths.

"Can you at least tell me what happened?" Louis begged. "Are you hurt?"

"No." The blond sobbed harder, letting out breaths of alcohol and despair. "He ran into the pole"

"I can see that obviously. I have eyes." snapped Louis. Niall flinched at the sharp words. 

"I was just walking, when I heard the crash behind me," he sniffled into his sleeve. "I'm sorry!"

"My gosh, Niall! It's not your fault." Louis stood up from his crouching position and offered a hand. "Obviously he was drunk out of his mind."

The boy, still sitting on the ground, nodded. "Okay. Okay, I'm okay."

"Have you called the cops yet?"

Niall shook his head slowly.

"Have you- Oh my god, is he still in there?" The brunette gasped and pivoted on his toes, turning towards the wrecked car. Niall looked over in the same direction and started sobbing once again. 

"I'll call them. Don't worry. Stay here." Louis tried to reassure his friend. He was so lucky his voice came out strong. Internally, his head was swirling. His head was pounding, his breathing fast and heavy, and Louis was on the verge of crying himself. School never teaches you how to react in situations like this. As much as he wanted to, it wasn't the greatest idea to have a panic attack right now. 

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