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"Wanna hear two short jokes and a really long one?" Harry asked playfully.

Louis nodded.

"Joke. Joke. Jooooooooooooooooke." Harry burst out laughing immediately after telling his favourite joke.

Louis smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "I hate you."

"No, you love me," Harry grinned.

"Fine." Louis turned his head away and Harry was sad he couldn't see the smile on his face.

It was Thursday after school. Louis had come over to Harry's place just so they could hang out. There was nothing they had to do, nothing for school. It was nice being with Louis in such a stress-free environment.

Monday's lunch was good, but not fulfilling. Louis still seemed like he was holding back, keeping something from Harry. No matter how many times he said it, Harry could tell that Louis definitely was still not okay with what was said about his habits.

Harry hadn't had a real chance to talk to the boy since then. Their English classes were busy and filled with lessons. The only things they had time for were gentle touches and longing stare. They couldn't be too affectionate with the mass of students surrounding them. Teenagers were mean.

He took a chance and asked Louis to come over today. Honestly, Harry was totally expecting him to say no. The yes came as such a surprise, but a very much appreciated one. 

"Your turn!" Harry exclaimed.

"Okay, okay." Louis paused to think for a second. "What do you call a s-gone when its scone, no, wait- ah shit I messed it up!" 

"Ha!" Harry jumped up and pumped his fist. "I win!"

Louis gave a dirty look but chuckled in the process. "I didn't even know this was a contest."

"Now you owe me a favour," Harry stated matter-of-factly.

"What? I never agreed to that!" Louis pouted, giving the cutest puppy dog eyes Harry had ever seen. He added to them by batting his eyelashes.

Harry smiled, "Nuh-uh Tomlinson, not going to work today."

"Fine, what do you want me to do?" Louis gave up. That was easy.

Harry thought for a second. He could get Louis to do anything for him right now, he didn't want to waste the chance, even if it was just from a stupid game. He remembered the promise they made to each other of Monday, that they would stop keeping secrets. He didn't want to push him too far, but at the same time, Harry just wanted Louis to feel comfortable around him.

"I'm waiting, Styles!" Louis smiled in a sing-song voice.

"Nice sweater Louis," Harry commented. he watched Louis look down at the grey sweater he was wearing. It was indeed Harry's. His cheeks flushed red as he drowned in the fabric.

"Thanks, bought it myself," Louis replied smugly.

"Wow, it looks awfully similar to one I have," Harry continued the joke. "It's a shame I haven't been able to find it."  

"Shut up Harry, just tell me what I have to do."

Here it was, all or nothing. "Take off the sweater."

"What?" Louis furrowed his eyebrowed, visibly confused. 

"Sweater, take it off." 

"You know I'm wearing a shirt under this right?" Louis tilted his head slightly to the right, still not understanding what Harry was asking of him. 

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