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"Oh my god, this is amazing," Louis moaned out after taking another bite out of the pink and green frosted cupcake. 

Pat walked out of the back and rose an eyebrow at the boy, 'I'm glad you like it, hun. It's my secret recipe."

"Pat," Louis took another huge bite of the cupcake. "I freaking love you."

The older lady chuckled. Pat was your typical bakery lady. She was short, sweet, and looked like she would find any excuse to bake you cookies. 

"You know, I think your mom used to drop by here a lot," Pat looked up and glanced at the light as if she was trying to remember something. "It's been a few years since she's come."

"My mom?" Louis asked with a mouth full of cupcake. He thought for a moment until Harry saw his eyes visibly light up. "You're the pull apart bread lady!"

Pat laughed again, "Yes I am. I remember your mum always got the cheesy garlic bread because that was her son's favourite. That would be you, wouldn't it?"

Louis flushed red and turned to Harry, "Oh my god Harry you need to try her bread. It's delicious."

"Do you have..?" Harry asked Pat, not quite sure what to call it. 

"Of course, have a fresh loaf baking in the back. Put it in just as I saw you walk in, young man," Pat smiled towards Louis.

"Pat I love you so much," Louis exclaimed again, throwing his arms in the air. His sweater sleeves made their way down his arms slightly, revealing his secrets underneath. Harry immediately bit his lip and looked at Pat. The lady didn't seem to notice. Or if she did, she made no sign of it.

A beep rang through the room. "Oh! Pat exclaimed. Must be the bread."

Harry watched pat walk out of the area and into the kitchen. He then turned towards Louis and smiled at the pretty boy. "You seem really happy here."

"Hey," Louis grinned. "What can I say? My favourite person and my favourite bread."

"Awe I'm flattered," Harry grinned.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean? Last time I checked, you weren't Pat or pull apart bread."

Harry pouted and playfully slapped Louis' bicep. "so mean!"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Louis laughed again, leaning away from the playful assault. Harry liked that. He liked how much Louis was laughing and smiling and... happy. 

Suddenly, an amazing aroma filled the room. It smelled like a warm mix of butter, garlic knots, and freshly baked bread. It also had a mildly cheesy, wholesome scent and Harry's nose was in heaven. Apparently, Louis agreed because he shot out of his chair and looked over to where Pat was walking out of the kitchen. She had pink and white oven mitts on her hands, and in between her hands was a loaf of bread, scored all around. It looked like it was about to burst with all the gooey cheese and garlic bits dripping down the sides and stuffed into the scores. 

"Oh Pat, you've outdone yourself," Louis stared at the loaf, practically salivating all over the place. He took in the smell, moaning at the warm, familiar aroma. The half-eaten cupcake in front of his was long forgotten.

"Oh calm down Louis, it's just a loaf of bread."

"Sorry Pat, but this is where you're wrong." Louis lectured. "This is not just a mere piece of bread. This is my childhood!"

"Your mother never told me you were this dramatic," Pam chuckled. 

Louis blushed. "Sorry, I just really like bread."

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