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Harry stayed outside all throughout the second period letting his mind wander. He sat against the brick wall of the school, trying to calm himself down. He tried breathing, but all that came out were short quick breaths that he couldn't control. Slowly, he pulled his knees to his chest, trying to push the feeling of lightheadedness away. It didn't work.

Saying that Harry was furious would probably be an understatement. He couldn't get Liam's words to stop playing in his head and every time he heard them, his fists squeezed together a little tighter.  Liam had gone around, playing the role of his best friend. He really was a shit friend, wasn't he? Harry didn't know if he was putting up an act the entire time, or whatever. He didn't really care. He didn't care at all actually.

Six minutes after the lunch bell rang, Harry heard footsteps approach him. He shut his eyes, pretending not to notice them. He hoped they belonged to a random student passing through, or Louis even. It wasn't ideal to have Louis approach him at the moment, but it was infinitely better than the other option.

"Harry..." Dammit. It was the voice of the other option. He tried his best not to react at all to the voice. There was about a zero percent chance that Harry wanted to speak to Liam at the moment. Actually, there was no chance that Harry wanted to speak to Liam ever again. 

"Harry, did you hear me?" Harry felt his muscles tense, then mentally cursed for letting himself flinch.  "I know you heard me."

He still had his eyes shut, but Harry felt a presence right in front of him. He could only assume it was Liam standing there. Of course, his 'friend' was looking down at him. He continued to sit against the wall, ignoring the standing boy. 

He heard the boy let out a sigh and sit beside him. "I honestly can't understand why you're mad at all." 

Harry took a moment to lift his head and look right at Liam. The boy's eyes widened slightly before tightly pressing his lips together. Harry wasn't sure what he was expecting. Tears? Anger? Whatever he wanted, Harry wasn't going to give him any of it. He started at Liam with a blank face, expressionless and impatient.

"Harry, I don't know what you want from me." Liam let out another heavy sigh. "Can you at least tell me what I did wrong?"

"You say it like you don't know." 

"I seriously don't."

"Sure," Harry let his head drop, little bits of his hair falling with it. It looked so artistic, the way the curls swung back and forth. Harry wasn't in the mood to care about that. 

"If this is about English, don't you think you're overreacting a little?"

"Overreacting? Do you even know what you said?" Harry didn't know the exact words, but he remembered Liam's nod. His tiny nod that felt like a punch in the gut.

"Harry, you're being completely irrational. Do you even know what I said?" Liam threw his arms up and shook his head. He looked disappointed, but Harry didn't feel for him. No one forced him to care.

Harry thought about the words Liam had spoken, even though he truly didn't want to. Honestly, Harry couldn't remember anything but the nod. He barely even remembers the point Conner made that caused the nod. As much as Harry knew he had almost no ground, he refused to let Liam be correct. 

"Seriously, what's going on with you?" Liam said suddenly. 

"Excuse me?"

"You said you would tell me what's up when it was all over and worked out. The debate is over. Tell me what's going on with you." His words were demanding, but his tone was soft. 

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