~Two hours later~

After two whole games of bowling. I could tell that Lorna and Andy were still up to something, every time I went up to bowl they whispered to each other. I feel that this mission there talking about involves me and Andy using this one word I still hate to this day...


"Okay, birthday girl, let's go back to headquarters and you and I can play video games in my room." Andy laughed.

The three of us head out of the bowling alley and head straight back to headquarters walking in silence. As we walked into the building the lights were all off.

"Why are the lights off in here?"

"SURPRISE.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN." a group of loud people say as the lights turned on in the room showing party decorations on the walls on a cake in the middle and presents on a table.

"What's all of this?" I was in complete shock and surprised, but happy at the same time, but I could see that there was broken glass on the floor where I'm assuming where Rebecca was killed.

Reeva stepped forward, "Andrew told us that it was your birthday and he told us you never did anything for your birthday before or after you found out you we're a mutant so all of us thought we would throw you a birthday party. I know Andrew and Lorna told you about what had happened to Rebecca once you left. That though shouldn't ruin your special day or this party. Start the music Fade." Reeva explains.

Fade turns on the music, Andy guides me over to the others, Dawn walked over to me with a small present.

"Thank you Dawn."

Dawn walks back over to Marcos with Lorna joining Marcos. "Hope you like it Lauren. Dawn picked it out herself." Marcos smiled giving me a hug.

"Dawn I'm sure would appreciate if you opened it right now. She's excited to see your face expression from the present." Lorna smiled.

Opening the present from Dawn. It was a little bear with a little note with the word Dawn on it.

Walking over to Dawn, I smiled at her and was given a hug by her. "Thank you Dawn. I love it."

Dawn walks away after giving me a hug going back over to Marcos and Lorna. Andy joins back over to me with a piece of cake.

"Thanks bro."

"Your welcome sis" Andy comments, looking around the room, one of the TV's turned on showing a mutant up rising becoming stronger with the mutant underground destroyed.

"Reeva are you looking at this?" Esme asks.

Everyone turned to look at the TV, and watched mutant destroying the mutant underground to pieces.

"Andy, Lauren, Lorna I'm sending you guys to go check out this situation at the underground." Reeva explains.

"Right now?" Lorna asks putting Dawn on the ground to walk back over to Marcos.

"Be careful, we'll still be here when you get back." Marcos comments hugging Lorna, as all of us head to the parking garage to get in one of the cars.

As we all arrived at the mutant underground, the place was completely covered in dust and rumble.

"I can't believe that this place is gone."

"Lauren Andy we need to get out of here now. The purifiers are roaming the area and we can't take them down by ourselves." Lorna warns us.

One of the purifiers saw us and started to fire at us, this wasn't going to be good. The only thing I can do to make sure Andy and Lorna get out of here safe is if I protect them from getting hit and letting the bullets take a direct hit on me.

"LAUREN?" Andy yells, Andy steps in front of me and uses his abilities on the purifier that fired at us.

"Andy you and Lorna need to get out of here... NOW, I'll deal with this purifier myself."

"Lauren, your hurt. We're not leaving you here alone. Reeva won't be happy if your hurt and didn't come back with us. Come on Lauren. It's not safe to leave you here hurt, it might be your birthday, but none of this is yours or ours fault." Lorna explains.


Andrew's (Andy) POV

No one hurts my sister. I won't let anyone hurt her ever. She and I feel pain and dreams and no one messes with my only sister. This purifier will pay with his life for shooting at Lorna, Lauren, and I.

Watching the purifier who goes by the name Kyle falls to the ground asking for mercy. I brake his legs one at a time. Smirking as he screams in pain.

"ANDY! STOP I'm okay." Lauren yells at at me stopping me from hurting the purifier. "Come we need to go now."

"NO. He's a coward and is trying to kill you by shooting you in the back."

"No please..." the purifier asked for mercy.

"Andy stop... we have to go now." Lauren yells at me grabbing my arm roughly looking at me with concern.

I look back at the purifier on the ground and follow Lorna and Lauren back to the SUV we came here in.

"Are the both of you okay?" Lorna asks us as we drove back to headquarters quickly.

I look over at Lauren to see if she's okay, and she looked fine from what I could see from sitting next to her in the SUV. I realized Lauren was holding her side and that there was a blood stain becoming bigger by the second.

"Lorna. How much further until we're back at headquarters?"

"We're almost there I promise Andy. How's Lauren doing?" Lorna replied.

"She's bleeding on her side, I don't know how much longer she can last before it worsens or anything else."

"Andy... I'm... fine..." Lauren breathed out heavily.

"Lauren. Please hang in there."

Fenris Togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें