Chapter Eight

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Lauren's POV

Fade lead me to the meeting room at HQ. Reeva was no where in sight, Fade guarded the door as I waited for Reeva to come into the meeting room. I knew this was one of my worst ideas of contacting Wes when I should of been here with Andy looking after Dawn for Lorna as she was at training.

Looking up from my seat, Reeva and the Frost Sisters entered the room. The Frost Sisters eyes started glowing blue.

"So, this is about this boy Wes again I see. Tell me Lauren, what is it about this Wes boy that you went to see him behind our back and giving him information." Reeva comments sitting down across from me with the Frost Sisters standing around us.

"I went to talk to Wes because he wanted to talk about the other day, when he interfered with Andy and I conversation. Wes didn't answer because after Andy and I held our hands he fell over the roof and was injured badly from his fall."

Reeva looks at Esme, Phoebe, and Sophie to see if I'm telling the truth.

The three of them nod in an agreement saying through their eyes knowing I was telling them the whole truth. Reeva leans into her seat looking at me.

"Thank you, for telling us the truth Lauren, but until I can fully trust you the only time your allowed to leave this building is for training with Andrew, missions with Andrew and Lorna, meeting with some friends with me that will help us and help recruit some more mutants. Speaking your brother Andrew, girls go get Andrew and we'll head out for training in one of the abandon training centers we own." Reeva explains dismissing the frost sisters to grab Andy from his room.


Marcos's POV

Learning of what happened to Wes. I thought I'd take the time to go find Lorna and ask her what she did knows about Wes being injured. I knew that Lorna's location wasn't going to be easy to find, so I decided to go to the same place where Lorna and I first met when she and I formed the Mutant-underground here in Atalanta, Georgia.

Looking at the rattle I made for Dawn. I remember talking with Lorna about baby names if it was a girl or boy. I forgot to give Lorna this rattle the last time I seen her. Looking towards the sky I see Lorna across the street cradling Dawn in her arms. Lorna looks at me as I got closer to her. Thank goodness that Lorna was alone this time.

"What are you doing here Marcos? I just want to be alone with Dawn." Lorna explains.

"I came here, because I missed you Lorna. I know that you don't want to see me, but I made this rattle for Dawn, I wanted to give it to you the last time we seen each other, but sadly the frost sisters stopped me by I could give it you. I hope Dawn likes it. I did my best to make it as though I won't be a good father for Dawn."

"Thanks Marcos. Sorry for being so harsh on you. All the training I've been doing has taken time out of keeping an eye on Dawn." Lorna replied grabbing the rattle putting it in front of Dawn.

"Who's been taking care of Dawn when your at training?"

"Andy and Lauren." Lorna started using her powers to control the rattle in the air. "Although Lauren has been out of sorts lately since she lost her match against Andy."

"Lorna. Come with me, I can promise you that if we go away together you can do all the training you want and I'll look after Dawn the whole time. I don't want to be like my father."

"Marcos your nothing like your father. You want to be a good father for Dawn. Your dad didn't want to be a good parent. That is the difference between you and him." Lorna explains kissing me on the cheek giving me Dawn.

"She's so beautiful. I can't imagine our daughter being any different than what we talked about."

"Then take Dawn somewhere safe. I don't want to see Dawn somewhere that isn't safe for her. I trust you Marcos. Take Dawn and leave this place. I'm leaving her with in your care." Lorna explains giving me everything I need to take care of Dawn.

OMG. I'm responsible for Dawn now. Oh boy this will be different and difficult.


~the next day~

Andrew's (Andy) POV

I can't get the thought of Lorna giving up Dawn over to Marcos. I guess it's for the best since Lorna got training every day so do I, Lauren, Fade, Sage, and Bulk.

One of my petvies is to play video games when I don't want to see the person visiting. For some reason my parents are coming to the base to see Lauren and I. There is no doubt in my mind that our parents are going to ask Lauren and to come home. It will never happen.

Looking towards my door. Reeva and Lauren were there.

"Is everything alright Reeva?"

"Sit down Andrew, I came here to tell you and Lauren something." Reeva replied guiding Lauren into the room to my bed. "Your parents won't be coming today. Your mom was shot by a guy named Wire, then she and your dad was captured by cops and the snetial services."

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