Chapter Twenty-Four

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Author's Note:


I hope you like the little flashback from the last chapter. I figured it would be nice if Lauren is being shown what it means to her to be with her brother.

I still need some ideas for powers for Grace Turner. Cause I'm not sure what to really do with her in a training scene or a fight scene.

In your guys personal opinion do you think that Caitlin and Reed should turn their backs on the Mutantunderground and join their own kind and fight with the humans.

Also please don't be afraid to pitch ideas for up coming chapters. I can incorporate everyone's ideas into a chapter or two.

I still have a little bit of writers block, but I think I'm good for a while until something comes up.



Reeva's POV

The Inner Circle is growing. This means great things for us. Twist and Andrew are making tremendous progress in their time of training. This is proving to be in our favor, soon the humans will be gone and mutants will live free and not be in fear anymore.

Learning of Lauren being taken to the leader of the morlocks the only chance of reminding Lauren where she belongs, I had Esme plant flashback of her and Andrew working together and seeing each other again after being apart from each other for so long. I know my planned work because Lauren came back today on her own with no one with her. I'm pleased with Lauren decision.

"You wanted to see me Reeva?" Lauren asks walking into the meeting room where I'm sitting and waiting.

"Yes, please have a seat Lauren."

Lauren sits down on the couch across from me, she seemed a little nervous, but that's understandable as she did just leave a group that she knows the location to.

"So Lauren, I have a few questions for you. Where is the hideout where these morlocks hide at?"

"They live in the sewers. A person I was friends with at the underground is a spy for the morlocks. It seems to be that she has been helping them for a while now." Lauren explains.

"And who is this person?"

"Clarice Fong, but you might know her as Blink." Lauren comments.

"Interesting, Lauren I have a mission for you, Andrew, and Twist... this is what I need you three to do."


Reed's POV

I went to a doctor to see if there was chance to stop my powers from becoming stronger and effective. In my luck the Purifiers made this andiote for mutants who want to be human again can get the antidote injected into them and become fully human again.

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