Chapter Six

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Clarice's POV

I got tired of waiting. I need answers. I remember John talking about some guy named Erg. If I can find this Erg guy, then it won't be too late to save my friends.

Walking down an alley way, I see an entrance to some sewers. Well here goes nothing, God I hope its clean down there if Erg lives there.

Entering the sewers, nothing smelled good. I didn't care though I was doing this for John, Marcos, Lauren, Reed, Caitlin, and everyone else in the Mutantunderground.

Opening a portal I step through it seeing five gunman and one person who I personally believe could be Erg.

"Ah, Clarice it's good to see you again." Erg smiled grabbing my shoulder.

"How do you know me. I've not from here?"

"Doesn't John ever tell you anything Clarice. I have eyes everywhere, there isn't anything I don't that is above us." Erg laughs.

"Okay. What can you tell me about the Inner circle and Reeva Payge?"

"Reeva Payge. That woman is horrible no one wants to get on her bad side if they believe in her cause. You and your friends should be careful. If you want my help you'll have to do something for me." Erg explains.

"Whatever you need I can do."

"Good. Your taking me above ground with you and my five friends will be joining us. You'll take us to meet some of your friends then we head out with your help to take down Reeva Payge. Do we got a deal?" Erg smirks holding out one hand.


Shaking Erg's hand the seven of us head out to above ground as I opened a portal.


Lauren's POV

With Andy back at his room at HQ I'm assuming. I got left with speaking to Reeva alone. God this lady manipulates Andy. It bother the heck out of me.

"What happened between you and Andy at training today?" Reeva asks me leading me into a SUV again.

"Nothing happened, you know I'm still not sure what you think you saw."

Reeva hands me a video on her phone of Andy training.

I couldn't believe that this is what Andu does for training when he was by myself. Whatever Reeva point is of showing me this video and it worked.

"Its about this guy name Wes. He has been contacting me since I arrived here, he has gotten into my head about coming back to the Mutantunderground to train with him again. I asked Andy and Lorna about what I should do and they explained to that Wes is only trying to mess with my true powers and destiny."

"Interesting. It doesn't explain why you and Andy were arguing before we went to training, and why is that?" Reeva asks me.

"Cause Wes called me when we were waiting and he and Andy got into a fight, and I tried to break it up between them. After I did Andy got mad at me for answering Wes call."

"Thank you for telling me Lauren. That is a good thing you told me. Let's head back to HQ to pick up Andrew you and Andrew will go meet up with this boy Wes and set things straight am I clear." Reeva asks.

"Yes. I'm sure Andy has a lot to say to Wes."

We arrived back at HQ to pick up Andy. Andy got in the car and sits down next to me.

"Thank you Lauren for agreeing to help us with Wes, I have a video to show you that I found of our ancestors." Andy comments showing me a video of Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker on his phone.

"This is amazing Andy. Where did you find this stuff."

"Lorna helped me find some information after I arrived here with them." Andy replied.

I could hear Reeva enjoy our conversation in the back of the SUV.

"I'm happy to see you too getting along. Now when you guys see Wes, Lauren you will go in there to see him first Andrew you will stand next to Lauren once she let's you join in on their conversation sound good you too?" Reeva asks.

"Yes." Andy and I reply.

We arrive to the Wes coordinations. Andy and I walked into the abandon building as Wes sat in the middle of the room.

"Lauren. It's good to see you again Lauren, why is Andy here. I wanted to see you alone." Wes asked.

"Lauren is with me and the inner circle. You don't have to worry about her no more." Andy smirks.

"Don't you realize, there just using you guys because your Von Struckers." Wes argued.

Andy and I grab each other hand and starts to lock into Andy eyes as our hands glow.

Wes pulls me away from Andy. A shock wave knocked Wes and I over. Falling to the ground, sees no sign of Wes. I look to see Wes hanging on the edge from something.

"Come on Lauren, let's go. Were done here." Andy says leading me to the SUV.

And away from Wes.

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