Chapter Thirty-One

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Author's Note:


I'm really sorry for the late update on this chapter. I've been busy with college and my new job. I got another job. I technically have two jobs right now because the one I had before this new job was only for campaigning which ended in November. This job is the best all I have to do is tell my bosses if there are customers then those people get to taste test wine.

I also have writers block again sadly. That's another reason why I wasn't able to put this chapter up.



Clarice's POV

The dust cleared up in the room. John was looking at me, he was bleeding from the side. It wasn't my blood, it was his, then I looked at myself to see a huge wound on my chest which was where I was hit from the gun shots.

"John..." falling to the ground seeing the world go completely black.

~10 hours later~

Feeling like I was in a horror movie, my head ached, I felt sore and I didn't have John here to comfort me.

"Good evening Blink. We're pleased to see you recovered well from the surgery we did on you and Thunderbird as you might know him John." A male voice said coming into my line of vision.

"Where's John? Where am I?"

"Calm down Blink, he's safe and so are you. Your still recovering he took a bad hit from the gun shots. Your's wasn't too bad as his. Get some more rest you can see Thunderbird later once he's fully awake and recovered."


Lorna's POV

Over the past year, things have happened way too fast. I given birth to a girl who's still lovely as she is at the age of one years old. Marcos and I have finally come to the same terms of being a family since we both found out I was pregnant with Dawn.

My missions for Reeva have kept me away from Dawn and Marcos for too long. I want to be with my baby and my fiance.

That's right.

Marcos and I got engaged.

When I came back from my last mission. I came back to our room to find red roses on the floor and on our bed. Turning around to see Marcos behind me he was on one knee with Dawn holding a black box as he helped Dawn open the black box was an engagement ring. It was so beautiful and I kissed him and Dawn for doing this for me.

This is my one chance to prove to the world and the Inner Circle that Marcos and I can be together, focus on our cause for the Inner Circle, and finally raise Dawn as a real family

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This is my one chance to prove to the world and the Inner Circle that Marcos and I can be together, focus on our cause for the Inner Circle, and finally raise Dawn as a real family.

"Luckily Marcos has enough training that he can stay here with Dawn while Lorna trains and goes on missions." Looking towards the door Reeva was on the phone with someone.

"Lorna? You okay?" Lorna asks me coming into the room.

Looking at Marcos, walking over to her and give him a hug. "I heard what Reeva plan is, she walked past our room talking on the phone with someone."

Marcos sighs and grabs my hands kissing me on the cheek distracting me from the thing I said to her and heard. Kissing Marcos back not letting go of Marcos's hands, as I loved him and Dawn.

"Don't worry about what Reeva was saying on the phone okay. She's only saying these things so that no one truly knows that Magneto's daughter is back stronger after having a baby, and has the most amazing fiancee in the world." Marcos smiled.

"Thank you Marcos. Just remember to keep Dawn safe no matter the cost, if something we're to happen to me promise me you'll keep Dawn safe from Reeva at all costs."

"Lorna, don't think like that. I love you and I love Dawn. I'll do everything in my power to protect you both. No one will tell me or keep me from you if they do they will have to kill me or even beat me up to keep you and Dawn out of harm's way." Marcos comments guiding me over to Dawn who just woke up.

"Morning Dawny."

"This is what I love. I got my two girls with me. The Inner Circle is making great progress in there great hopes for all mutants in the world. This is where I want to be for my family." Marcos smiled picking up Dawn carefully playing with her.

Dawn opened her eyes and did a little smile at Marcos and I.


Lauren's POV

The time has come that all the humans who are against mutants in this world. They will be shown the light and area of the new mutant age. It's high time that Fenris meaning Andy and I finally become Fenris together and show the whole world and mutants that mutants be taken down without a fight.

Sitting in my room. I kept wondering if Andreas and Andrea Von Strucker we're meant to be something greater under their alias name Fenris.

Hearing a knock on my door, I look over to see Erg standing there.

"If your here to recruit to the morlocks you can just walk away right now."

"Lauren listen to me. The Frost Sisters are messing with your mind. They did something to you when they last time brought you back here. Don't you feel any different than you usually do?" Erg asks me.

Taking a deep breath before answering Erg, I didn't get the chance to answer as he handed me a phone, and walked away.

Turning on the phone a song popped up on the screen. Looking over at the door making sure no one was there waiting for me or to talk to me.

The name of the song was...

We Belong

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