Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Lauren's POV

The thought of a mutant homeland has been the main goal for a long time now. Andy has finally let me leave HQ without him being there with me or even Rebecca.

It didn't bother me, but now I can meet new mutants and hopefully recruit them to the Inner Circle. For the time being all I can do now is wait and see if there are mutants who want to be free and be able to show their powers without being caught or killed.

Walking down the sidewalk alone on a Monday morning. There were a group of boy mutants bullying this boy. Who is a few inches taller than me. Running over to the group of boys I used my abilities on them.

"What do you guys think your doing. Your mutants think about what our world would be like if we had our freedom and no more hiding."

"She's right guys. The time of the purifiers has come to an end." One yelled ranting on about mutants.

The boy on the ground wasn't hurt or injured, but he was looking at me smiling.

"So cutie what group are you part of?" One of the bullies asks me.

"I'm part of the Hellfireclub. You guys interested in helping their cause?"

"Always. Where is this place at?" Another boy asked.

Handing them the directions to where the HQ is. I help the boy up who was on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you for helping me. I'm Noah by the way." Tbe boy answered.

"I'm Lauren."

"Nice to meet you Lauren. You want to walk around with me, if your not too busy." Noah asks me.

"Of course. May I ask are you a mutant Noah?"

"Yes. I learned of my powers when I was the age of 13. My powers are absorbing energy from light fixtures from inside and outside. How about you? What are your powers?" Noah asks me.

"I can show you if that's okay?"

"Yeah go a head." Noah laughed.

Taking him into an abandoned building, I have him back away so he doesn't get hurt from my abilities.

Turning towards a door way pretending like their was someone attacking Noah and I. I use my abilities to block the fake attacks coming from the door way.

"That's awesome." Noah smiled. "I would like to join that group your part of if there is still room for new recruits."

"Were always looking for people who want freedom for themselves and for other mutants."

Leading Noah back to HQ, in the elevator Noah leaned in close to me and kissed me. Without hesitating I kissed him back.

As the elevator door opens Noah and I were greeted by a girl who looks like Noah, the frost sisters, Reeva, Andy, Grace, Sage, Fade, Mark, and Rebecca.

"Everyone this is Noah, he has agreed to help us in our cause."

"Welcome Noah, your twin sister Glow has also agreed and I'm sure you too won't mind that you'll be training together as you have the same powers." Reeva announced walking away with the frost sisters, Grace, Sage, Fade, and Mark.

"Noah, this is my brother Andy and his girlfriend Rebecca."

"Nice to meet you both, guys this is my twin sister Glow. Lauren I know we just met and everything, but will you be my girlfriend?" Noah asks me.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend."

Noah sweep me off my feet pulling me into a hug.


Marcos's POV

Family. This is my family now. Lorna, Dawn who is one years old. I couldn't ask for a better family to be with. I don't care what the Hellfireclub or Inner Circle want with Lorna and our child, where ever Lorna and Dawn go I will follow.

Dawn has started to walk already. She's becoming more like her mother each day, especially with the hair color.

"Marcos they need me for training then for a mission. I'll be gone for a little while you think you can handle looking after Dawn until I get back. Esme and Sage will be here to help you if anything goes wrong or need help." Lorna explains.

"Who's all going on this mission with you?"

"Andy, Phoebe, Sophie, Rebecca, Reeva, and Mark." Lorna answered changing behind a curtain and kissed Dawn and I before she left.


Noah's POV

So this is where the Inner Circle lives. The plan of getting inside their HQ worked perfectly. Lauren is my girlfriend who I have true feelings for, not faking my feelings for her.

Being the son of the leader of trask industries son and Glow is my my actual sister.

Our plan to destroy the Inner Circle HQ, and capture the Von Struckers is set and stone.

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