Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

"What took you so long?" Hypnos grumbled, making me roll my eyes at him. "I was bored."

"Had to deal with Moros' shit." I huffed, making the idiot glare at me.

Moros went to open his mouth but Aether strutted into the room, giving everyone a welcoming smile before turning to me and dropping it, scowling at me. What a prick. Chaos dad angrily snarled inside of me, being upset by his mere presence. I just kept a stone faced mask because I was already used to them treating me like this and if I were to lash out, I could forget about Aether helping me.

"Do we really need him?" Chaos asked disgruntled. "I wouldn't mind biting his head off."

"I would mind." I muttered, not sounding very convincing.

"Why is he talking to himself?" Aether wanted to know, squinting his eyes.

"Oh yeah, we forgot to fill you in on that one. With forgot we obviously mean none of your business." Hypnos chirped before standing at my side.

I snorted at my twin's words, earning irritated glares from both of my other brothers. They didn't seem to understand why Hypnos was now taking my side and giving them shit, let alone why they were suddenly the ones being attacked. I just hoped Aether's affection for Alexios succeeded his temper and allowed him to concentrate on the rescue mission. I needed his help and I didn't want to risk losing it.

"Hypnos." My dad chided, annoyed by his childish behavior.

"Whatuh?" Hypnos sassed, knowing full well what he had done.

He grinned at me, waiting for me to praise him for his behavior. I didn't know what to say since I didn't want to make it too obvious that I was encouraging him, so I just smirked lightly. He beamed back at me, bouncing up and down before giving in to his impulsiveness and throwing his arms around my neck. He had never been very patient and while he had told me he was going to wait for me to fix things with my dad that didn't mean he wasn't going to try his best to make me more inclined towards him.

I patted him on the back, avoiding the stares from the others. Hypnos just gave me another short but tight squeeze and let go of me again, swaying his arms around. He was smiling brightly and I could tell that he was getting on my brothers nerves. My dad on the other hand had been watching us closely and was smiling at us. It was stupid but I was very happy that he wasn't watching me with that stone cold mask of his but instead was smiling at me.

"Ae, do you got any snacks?" Hypnos interrupted the moment, bouncing up and down.

"You just ate." Aether replied dryly, crossing his arms.

"But I'm hungry!" Hypnos whined, sounding desperate.

"Just take whatever you need out of the fridge and stop being an annoying brat." Aether grunted, gesturing  towards what I assumed to be the kitchen.

Hypnos completely ignored the jabs Aether was taking at him and happily skipped over to the kitchen where I could hear him rummage around in the fridge, ripping open packaging. Aether pulled out a map and unfurled it onto the living room table as all of us stepped closer to look at it. It showed the entirety of Hades as well as my own sphere. Someone had drawn a grid onto it and had crossed out squares that had been searched already. There was still an awful lot to cover.

"The other pantheons have assured us that no one has crossed the boarders. We were able to confirm that." Aether reported stoically. "Which means I restricted the search radius to the sphere of Hades as well as his realm."

Desolation [manxman] DRAFTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon