Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

I could feel the tension in the air as soon as I reappeared inside of Moros' home. The servants had apparently gone into hiding, judging by the scattered cleaning items that were lying on the floor. My gaze followed the droplets of blood, leading towards the back of the house. I raised an eyebrow and started following them to the back of the house. The droplets grew more and more in size until they formed little pools of blood. Every sane person would have turned around and called  for help but me, being as suicidal was I was decided to inspect it further.

"Be careful." Chaos dad warned me.

"You are just an overpriced slave if you can't even figure out how to do what you are supposed to be doing." I could hear my mother's voice boom through the entire house, followed by the clanging of pots or pans. "I trained you very well and yet you still can't manage to seduce him."

I heard a whimper and I was pretty sure it belonged to the dragon before it was closely preceded by the sound of a pot hitting the floor and a frightened shriek. The hair at the back of my neck was starting to stand and I most certainly didn't want to be here. Even with my abilities at peak I was no match for my mother's powers. She would just stomp over us and leave us crippled in a pool of our own guts.

"What am I supposed to do with you? You are useless." She yelled "Maybe I should be merciful and just end your life right here and now. We shouldn't be feeding, bathing and clothing you just for you to be utterly useless and a waste of time and money!"

The dragon was kneeling in one corner, arms raised above his head to defend himself from the damage she was dealing by throwing kitchen items at him. A dark blackish, purplish bruise started to form on the cream white skin on one of his forearms. I  couldn't see it clearly from my position but judging by the drops of blood that were accumulating on the floor, he was suffering from head injury and losing quite a bit of blood. Maybe a laceration or cut.

"Give him a break." I huffed as I entered the kitchen.

My mother whipped around to glare at me and bared her fangs at me. Rude. That's not how you greet your long lost son that you abandoned, traumatized and tried to hunt down to kill. Oh wait, it is. My bad. How could I have thought she actually loved me? Won't make that mistake again, that I knew for sure.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded to know.

"I like the view from the bedroom upstairs." I scoffed, moving around the kitchen, close to the wall and towards the dragon.

She didn't seem very amused by my snarky remarks and I hoped Moros was going to show up soon. I most certainly couldn't defend myself and the dragon and I'd hate to find out if the dragon or I would be able to handle more physical damage. I wasn't willing to risk my life for others but at the same time I wasn't as cruel as to desert others.

"Get away from him." My mother demanded. "He needs to be punished for his wrong doing."

"Which would be?" I asked sarcastically because I already knew that just breathing would piss her off.

"I got him selectively bred for the pure purpose of being obedient, satisfying Moros' needs and having his children. He isn't doing any of that." My mother complained, throwing daggers with her eyes at the trembling dragon to my feet. "He only has a nasty attitude and thinks he can get away with looking cute and eating all the food in the house. He's going to gain weight."

Ew. Now that was knowledge I could gladly do without. I didn't even want to ask her to clarify what needs meant because that was way too much information that I didn't want to occupy space with in my innocent brain. I wondered why she was being that insistent on having grand kids and more importantly why specifically Moros and the dragon. He could go out and get anyone with the right reproductive system pregnant if he wanted to.

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