Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I could tell I was dreaming the second it happened. I was standing in the misty woods we had lived in when I was a child, high above the ground in one of the trees. Right in front of me was standing another person. His facial features matched mine like an exact copy except he didn't have such dark bags under his eyes and he managed to look more calm and collected. I guess that was just the effect of our different life styles or my lack of motivation to look after myself.

I hadn't seen him in a few years and standing in front of him now strangly pained me. He usually did his best to avoid me and if we happened to be in the same room he did his best to ignore my existence. He tried his best to deny me to the public and every time he got asked about me, he told them he had nothing to do with me except sharing our vessels genetics. He even had a charity with the sole purpose of fixing my wrong doings. Wouldn't know what those wrong doings would be since I rarely left the house, but apparently it was quite popular.

"What are you doing here?" I asked warily.

"Our father asked me to guard your dreams." My twin said calmly.

I raised an eyebrow. I was kind of surprised my dad actually asked Hypnos to do it and didn't just spew bullshit to make himself feel better because he spent most of his time being a horrible parent. And I was even more surprised that he managed to convince him to go throught with it. This dear brother of mine was hating my guts with a passion that seemed to fuel his very existence and destroying him at the same time. I almost pitied him.

"I don't want you in here." I declared defensively.

"And I didn't want to be in here." He stated, leaning back against the stem of the tree. "But I'm definitively daddy's girl and that's why I would never deny him a request."

"Yeah, I don't think you know what that means." I snorted amused.

I could see an amused spark light up his eyes for a second before they became dark again. As dark as brightly glowing silver eyes could get that is. I missed having a relaionship with him. After all he wasn't only my brother but also my twin and for the first couple of years we had been very close. After he had acquired his power he used to visit me in my dreams, hoping in and out of them to be able to spend even more time with me. We had told each other everything and never hid anything from each other.

"Thank you." I said after a few minutes of silence.

He cocked his head to the side for a second before he gave me a small smile. At least he didn't attack me or anything. I mean, he could try to kill me which would be very unfortunate and kind of ruined the plans I didn't have for tomorrow. The only weird thing about this was him actually showing himself. He could just watch me from a distance and this way ensure that I, the evil traitor and murderer, wasn't going to attack him. There was no reason for him to expose himself to me like that and endanger himself.

"Why are you here?" I spoke up after a while because I was getting bored, waiting for something to happen.

"As I said, father asked me." He repeated casually.

"No, I mean why are you not guarding from a distance. You know. Staying as far away from me as you can, so I don't slit your throat or something." I said, looking at my feet.

"Again, dad asked me. Nicely. " Hypnos smiled. " Which automatically makes me more inclined to do so."

"And you comply?" I looked at him scepitcally. "What's in it for you?"

He just shrugged and reached for one of the glowing fruits. He split one open and looked at the two halves before handing me one. I took it and looked at it suspiciously. He noticed my hesitation and rolled his eyes before taking it back and taking a huge bite out of it before handing it back to me. While it was hard to kill someone in their dreams, it wasn't something I was willing to risk and most certainly not with a god of sleep. 

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