Episode 45

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Recap: Sia comes over for dinner. Swara gets jealous seeing Sia and Sanskar together. The three of them take a walk under the night sky. Swara outbursts in front of Sanskar and Sanskar realizes that Swara was jealous. Sanskar and Sia's relationship is revealed to be actually that of a brother-sister relationship. Sanskar goes to tame Swara and they share their first kiss.


Swara blushes as Sanskar look at her intensely. She bites her lower lip as Sanskar advances towards her. Someone coughs in the back and Swara and Sanskar quickly move away from each other.

Sia- So, everything okay now?
Sanskar nods.

Sia- So Sanskar, how did you console your wife?

Sanskar- Voh kiss...
Swara bites her lower lip. Sia's eyes widen as Sanskar catches his words?

Sanskar- Matlab....I mean miss. Yea I just told Swara how much I missed you that's why I was with you more than I was with Swara.
Sia holds in her laughter.

Sia- Sanskar, get out.

Sanskar- What?

Sia- Sanskar, it's a girl thing. Get out!
Swara giggles as Sia pushes Sanskar out the door then returns back to Swara.

Sia- I know Swara, there was a big misunderstanding. But believe me, Sanskar loves you a lot. I have never seen someone love like Sanskar.

Swara- I'm sorry Sia. Sanskar is right. I'm such a Siyappa Queen. I mistook your brother sister relationship for...

Sia laughs- It's ok. Sanskar is sometime such an idiot.

Sanskar- Me? Because of you, my wife gets mad and I have through the struggle to tame her.

Sia- Struggle? It doesn't seem like a struggle.

Sanskar- Why?

Sia- I mean...kiss?

Sanskar- Sia!
Sia runs out the room laughing. Sanskar locks the door and turns towards Swara.

Sanskar- So, where were we?

Swara- Shut up Sanskar and go to bed.
Swara climbs in bed, leaving Sanskar baffled.

Sanskar thinks- Koi isse toh sikle kaise romantic mood ko barbaad karte hai.

The Next Day...

Swara- I need to find out something about Sanskar's uncle. Where are they now? Oh god, please give me one clue. How do I find them and give back Sanskar's property to him? God, please help me.
Swara was walking on the streets alone. Some guys walked passed her and stopped.

Guy- Oh madam, looks like you are new here. Are you lost or are you looking for someone?

Swara- Oh yes. Bhai saab, can you help me?

Guy- Of course I can help you. But please, don't call me bhai saab...mujhe acha nahi lagta.
Swara senses some discomfort.

Swara- Actually, I was looking for Sahil Maheswari.

Guy- Kya? Sahil? Oye Sahil, looks like you hit the jackpot!
Sahil turns around and takes off his sunglasses and looks Swara up and down. Swara shifts nervously.

Sahil- Madam ji, I heard you were looking for me? Now tell me, what can this Sahil do for such a beautiful woman like you?
Sahil traces his finger down Swara's cheek. Swara pushes his hand off her face.

Swara- Excuse me! I am Swara Sanskar Maheswari.

Sahil- Sanskar Maheswari?

Swara- Yes. So technically, I am you bhabhi so behave yourself.

Sahil- Oh bhabhi ji, why are you getting so angry? I am just trying to be friendly. Come to my house, I will show you how friendly this Sahil can be.
Sahil holds Swara's wrist.

Swara- Leave me!

Sahil- Come na.

Swara- I said leave me!
Sahil ties a cloth around Swara's mouth and carries her away from there.

The Next Scene...

Sanskar- Badi maa, have you seen Swara?

Ap- No beta. I thought she was with you.

Sanskar- No she's not. I have been looking everywhere for her.

Sujju- Maybe she went to take a walk.

Sanskar- But mom, Swara wouldn't leave without telling me and she has been gone for so long.

Ragini- Sanskar, why don't you go look around. Maybe she went near the pond.

Sanskar- Don't know why, but I'm having a bad feeling.

Laksh- Sanskar, let's go. We shouldn't waste any more time. Swara doesn't know this place. She could get lost.
Laksh and Sanskar set out to find Swara. Laksh and Sanskar wander around the whole village looking for Swara.

Sanskar- Bhai, where is Swara? I just want my Swara back.

Laksh- Relax Sanskar, we will find her. Don't worry.
Sanskar spots something under a tree. He runs up to it and picks up a dupatta.

Sanskar- This is Swara's dupatta. This means, she was here. But where is she now?

Laksh- Sanskar, look at this.
Laksh hands Sanskar a bracelet.

Sanskar- It's a bracelet.

Laksh- Sahil's bracelet.

Sanskar clutches Swara's dupatta.
Sanskar- Sahil! I'll kill you!

The Next Scene...

Swara's hands and feet are tied up as she sits in a dark room. Sahil enters the room and sits in front of her. Swara tries to move away in fear. Sahil laughs.

Sahil- Don't be scared Swara bhabhi ji. I won't hurt you. I just want to make you happy. Forget that good for nothing Sanskar. What does he have? He has nothing! Look what I have! This huge mansion and lots of money. You will be happy with me.

Swara- Leave me now or Sanskar will kill you.

Sahil- Sanskar? But let me welcome you first.

Sahil unties Swara's ropes. Swara tries to run away but Sahil pulls her back and she falls to the floor. The sleeve of Swara's dress rips near the shoulder as she starts bleeding from the scratch that Sahil had just given her. Sahil laughs evilly as he advances towards Swara. Swara cries and pleads. Sahil moves on top of Swara. Swara becomes helpless. Just as Sahil was about to touch Swara, he is kicked off of her. Swara looks up to see Sanskar. Tears fall from Sanskar's eyes as he sees the love of his life in that condition, her hair ruffled, her sleeves torn, and blood dripping from her forehead and shoulder. Swara gets up and hugs Sanskar. Sanskar hugs Swara back and wipes away his tears. He looks at Sahil and protectively moves Swara behind him. Sanskar punches Sahil.

Sanskar- How dare you touch Swara!
He punches Sahil again.

Sanskar- How dare you lay a hand on her!

Sahil falls to the floor as Sanskar pins him down and repeatedly punches his face.
Sanskar- I'll kill you!

Sahil begins to lose conciousness. Laksh quickly comes and takes Sanskar off of Sahil.

Laksh- Sanskar chod! Leave him.

Sanskar- No I'll kill him! He touched my Swara! I won't leave him!
Laksh takes Sanskar off of Sahil, who had become unconscious. Sanskar stands up, breathing furiously and his eyes blood red. He looks over at Swara, who was trembling in fear., trying to cover herself with only her two arms. Sanskar picked up her dupatta and wrapped it protectively around her and led her out of the dark room.

Precap: A scar and a tattoo...

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