Episode 27

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Recap: Swara admits that she loves Sanskar. The Jhalak competition starts. Sanskar becomes tensed when he finds out that his partner broke her ankle and won't be able to perform. Sanskar is surprised when Swara performs with him. It is later revealed that Kavita had planned all this so she could perform with Sanskar. However, Swara did not let that happen. Swara warns Kavita to stay away from Sanskar.


(Swasan's Flat...)

Swara and Sanskar come back to their flat.
Sanskar- I have to go to work, so I'll just go freshen up.
Swara nods.

Sanskar goes to the bathroom. He stand in front of the mirror. Sanskar remembers dancing with Swara. A smile forms on his face.

Sanskar- Swara?
Sanskar quickly steps out of the bathroom.

Sanskar- Swara, what happened?
Swara comes running to Sanskar and hugs him tightly.

Sanskar- Swara? Are you ok, tell me what's wrong.

Swara (still hugging Sanskar)- Sanskar....voh....ek....

Sanskar- Kya?

Swara- A lizard!
Sanskar is baffled.

Sanskar- Swara...tu....u got scared by a little lizard? Swara, u are at least ten times larger than it. What harm can it do to you?
Swara realizes her position. She lets go of Sanskar and awkwardly tucks her hair behind her ear. Sanskar laughs then leaves to work.

Swara imitates Sanskar- Swara, u are ten times larger than the lizard. What harm can it do? Hmm! Instead of protecting me, this Khadoos Maheswari laughed at me! Oh god, how did I fall for this Akru Maheswari?

The Next Scene...

Sanskar was working at the cafe. Some guys walk in talking and laughing very loudly. They take a seat at a table and start drumming on the table.

Guy- Waiter!
Sanskar walks over to the table.

Sanskar- May I have your order?

Guy- Hey one sec. Sanskar? Hey guys look it's Sanskar!

Sanskar- Kabir? Tu!

Kabir- Yea. Missed me Sanskar?

Sanskar- Weren't u expelled from college? What are you doing here?

Kabir- Sanskar, I think u forgot. We are at a cafe, not our college campus. Oh speaking of college, I heard u got married. And that too with Swara Gadodia. Dude, how did u even get her with you? Please tell me so I can try.
The guys laugh. Sanskar clenches his fist as he attacks Kabir with the stares from his eyes.

Kabir- I mean, I've always wanted Swara. She's sooo hot man. Those eyes, that hair, those dimples, those soft, pink lips....
Sanskar closes his eyes as he struggles to keep his anger inside him.

Kabir- And that s*xy body...
Sanskar had had enough. He held Kabir's collars and pulled him up.

Sanskar- HOW DARE YOU! How dare you say those things about Swara!
Sanskar punched Kabir and Kabir fell on the floor. Sanskar kept on punching Kabir. Kabir's friends held Sanskar back. Sanskar fought with them also.


Swara- It's getting late and Sanskar still hasn't come.
Swara gets an idea.

Swara- I'll go surprise Sanskar at the cafe.
Swara reaches the cafe and is surprised to see a crowd. Swara goes through the crowd and sees Sanskar fighting. Swara gasps. Some of the guys run away. Sanskar goes back to Kabir and starts hitting him.

Sanskar- How dare you! I'll kill you!

Swara- Kabir? What is he doing here? Sanskar!
Swara ran to Sanskar.

Swara- Sanskar chodo usse. Sanskar leave him!
Swara pulled Sanskar off of Kabir. Kabir ran away. The crowd dispersed.

Sanskar was breathing heavily. His eyes were bloodshot red and he was sweating profoundly. He had wounds on his arms and face and his lips were bleeding.

Swara- Sanskar, what was the need to hit them so much. Look how many cuts u got.
Sanskar held Swara tightly by her shoulders.

Sanskar- How dare he say those dirty things about you!

Swara- Sanskar, because of that u hit them that much? What was the need for all of that?

Sanskar- Of course there was a need. If someone speaks of u like that, I won't leave them because I...
Swara eagerly waits for Sanskar's reply.

Swara thinks- Say it Sanskar. Please say it.
Sanskar let go of Swara and walked out of the cafe.

Swara sighs- oh god, what would have happened if he had said those three words? Would his muscles have gotten smaller? If he had said them, then everything would be alright. But no, why would he say it? He loves to trouble me...stupid kahi ka!

(Swasan's Room...)

Swara walks into the room and sees Sanskar sitting on the couch and tapping his foot angrily.

Swara thinks- At least I found out what's in your heart Sanskar. Now, I just have to make you say it.
Swara brings out the first aid kit and sits next to Sanskar. Sanskar turns away from Swara. Swara taps Sanskar's shoulder. Sanskar doesn't turn. She taps his shoulder again. Sanskar still doesn't turn around. Frustrated, Swara turns Sanskar around to face her.

Swara- Sanskar!

Sanskar- Tu..

Swara- Shut up!
Sanskar was surprised.

Swara- Don't say one word and let me put the ointment on your wounds.
Sanskar sat silently like a baby who was just scolded. Swara scooped closer towards Sanskar and held his cheek with one hand and applied the ointment on his other cheek. Sanskar flinched. Swara moved closer and blew on his wound. (Nazdeekiyaan from Shaandaar plays in the bg.)

dikhti nahi par ho rahi hain mehsoos nazdeekiyan?
Sanskar stared lovingly at Swara. Swara's eyes met Sanskar's eyes.

Do dil hi jaane lagti hain kitni mehfooz nazdeekiyan
Swara broke the eye lock.

Sanskar- Haye meri kamar!

Swara- Sanskar? What happened?

Sanskar- Nothing.
Swara laughed silently.

Swara- Lay down.

Sanskar- What?

Swara- Just lay down.
Swara made Sanskar lay down on his stomach with his back facing upwards. Swara lifted up Sanskar's shirt a bit, giving Sanskar a shock.

Sanskar- Swara..tu...what are you doing?

Swara- Relax Sanskar. U hurt ur back. I'm just putting some therapeutic oil on it so it doesn't pain.
Swara's fingers brushed against Sanskar's lower back, near his waistline. Soon, her palms were rubbing Sanskar's back. Sanskar closed his eyes from Swara's touch. After a few minutes, Swara's hand left Sanskar's back. Sanskar opened his eyes. He gets up and turns around to face Swara. Swara takes a napkin and wipes her hands. Sanskar stares at Swara. Swara looks at Sanskar.

Swara- What?

Sanskar (not in senses)- Lage 440 volt chune se tere...😂😂

Swara- What?
Sanskar snaps back into his senses.

Sanskar- Umm...nothing.
Sanskar picked up his towel and went into the bathroom. Swara laughs. She looked at her hands.

Swara- 440 volts...not bad.😉😉
Swara picks up Sanskar shirt and holds it to her chest and smiles.

Precap: Kabir enters the college again. His past with Swara and Sanskar is revealed....

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