Episode 33

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Recap: Sanskar comes to Swara's balcony at night. They both confess to each other. Shomi informs Swara that Sunny will be coming for lunch today.


(Gadodia Mansion...)

Swara came out of the bathroom with a towel in her hand, drying her hair. She was wearing a white salwar, her dupatta was on her bed. She stood in front of the mirror and started drying her hair. She was surprised when she saw Sanskar in the mirror. She turned around and saw Sanskar leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest.

Swara- Sanskar!
Swara quickly got her dupatta and wore it. Sanskar smiled.

Swara- How did you get here?
Sanskar pointed towards the balcony with his eyes.

Swara- Sanskar, leave from here.
Sanskar started walking towards Swara.

Sanskar- Kyun?

Swara- Sanskar. Don't be stubborn. Go before maa sees you.
Sanskar pulled Swara towards him and held her waist.

Sanskar- U r still my legally wedded wife Swara. If someone sees then they won't put me in jail. Don't worry.

Swara- Sanskar go.
Swara slightly pushed Sanskar and turned away to leave. Sanskar caught her dupatta and pulled her back towards him, this time her back rested against his chest. Sanskar moved Swara's hair onto to one side and leaned in towards her shoulder. Swara closed her eyes. Sanskar leaned closer. Just as his lips were about to fall on her shoulder, someone knocked on the door. Swara moved away from Sanskar.

Shomi- Swara beta! Come down quickly for breakfast. Sunny should be here soon.

Swara (while fixing her hair)- Coming maa!
Sanskar pouted.
Swara pushed Sanskar towards the balcony.

Swara- Sanskar go now.

Sanskar- Remember the plan! Bye!
Sanskar blew a kiss at Swara and left. Swara smiled and shook her head.

The Next Scene...

Swara was eating breakfast when she heard the horn of a car.

Shomi- Looks like Sunny and his mom arrived.
Swara rolled her eyes.

Outside Gadodia Mansion, a white Mercedes pulled up. Sanskar and Rishi were hiding and watching everything through binoculars.

Rishi- Wow Sanskar. Ur competition has great style.
Sanskar looked nervously through the binoculars. The door of the car opened.

Sanskar- Looks like Sunny has arrived.

A person steps out of the car. Sanskar is shocked at the sight. It is a grown man, that in a way, looks like a child. he is wearing suspenders and eating a lollipop. Sanskar's jaw drops.

Sanskar- This is the so called perfect man for Swara? He looks like a child himself, how will he be a father to another child?

Rishi- Sanskar? What is this? Is this Sunny?
Sanskar smiles.

Sanskar- Looks like my job won't be as difficult as I thought.
Sanskar and Rishi leave from there.
A lady steps out of the car and Shomi greets her.

Shomi- Are Mrs. Mrs! Welcome! How are you?

Mrs Malhotra- I am very good ji!

Shomi- Swara, why don't you take Sunny on a walk around the park. Show him around kolkata. By then, I will prepare lunch.
Swara gives a look of despair to Shomi. Shomi gives her an angered look and Swara was now bound to take Sunny on the walk. Swara leaves with Sunny.

Shomi- Mrs. Malhotra, swara and Sunny will go on a walk. Why don't we set up lunch in the meantime?

Mrs Malhotra- Sunny? Where is Sunny?

Shomi- Kyun? Was that not Sunny?

Mrs Malhotra- Shomi ji, that is not Sunny. That is my younger son Sunny's younger brother. Sunny is stuck in the airport for some official airport. he will be here in a while.

(The Park...)

Swara and Sunny were walking in the park.

Sunny- Wow Shona, this is such a cool park!

Swara- My name is Swara.

Sunny giggles- He he...I will pyar se call you Shona.

Swara thinks- Oh God. Is this the person maa was sending me off with?

Swara (irritated)- Let's go Sunny ji.

Sunny thinks- Why is Shona calling me Sunny? My name is Randeep. Oh...maybe Shona calls me Sunny like how I call her shona. Ok. Hehe.
Randeep giggles. Swara looks at him weirdly.

Swara thinks- Why is this buddhu laughing?
As Swara was engrossed in her thoughts, two strong arms pull her away into a secret, quiet place behind a tree, where no one was there to see them.

Swara- Sanskar!
Sanskar sheepishly smiled at Swara.

Swara- Sanskar, why are you smiling? Is this problem funny to you?

Sanskar- Well of course it is. Just look at my competition.
Sanskar signs to Randeep, who was know swinging on the swings.

Swara- Yes I see. U have no chance against him.
Sanskar was surprised. His smile immediately dropped from his face. A hint of playfulness was evident in Swara's eyes as she thought, why not make her husband a bit jealous?

Sanskar- What?

Swara- Ha. He is smart, rich, sweet, and....soooo cute. Just looks at him.

Sanskar- What? Swara...u are comparing me with...with...him?
Swara nods innocently. Sanskar moves back from Swara and folds his arms across his chest.

Sanskar- Ok fine, go marry him then.

Swara shrugs- Ok.

She turns to go, when Sanskar holds her elbow and pulls her back, pinning her against the trunk of the tree. His hand immediately go up on either side of her head, blocking any escape paths for Swara. Sanskar speaks in a low voice.

Sanskar- U are only mine. What do you mean by you will marry him? Will you just leave me like that?
Swara melted seeing Sanskar, hurt evident in his voice. She could no longer put up this act and immediately hugged him. Her hand ruffled the hair on the back of Sanskar's head.

Swara- I will never leave you.
Sanskar smiled and hugged Swara tighter. He broke the hug and planted a soft kiss on Swara's forehead...a kiss that was greater than a thousand kisses on the lips...a kiss that didn't show lust, but love.

Precap: The real Sunny arrives...Sanskar's actual competition...

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