Episode 6

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Recap: Swasan end up at a lost island. Even there, they argue and have some funny moments as Swara tries to survive without Sanskar's help. Sanskar teases Swara and they finally drift off to sleep.


Sanskar wakes up and stretches his arms and rubs his eyes.

Sanskar- Swara wake up.
Sanskar looks around and sees Swara nowhere in sight.

Sanskar- Swara? Swara?
He stands up and looks around the empty beach. Sanskar starts to panic after not seeing Swara anywhere. He runs on the beach shouting her name as he goes.

Sanskar- Yaar where am I going to find this girl now? Oh God please help me.

Suddenly he hears some rustling noise coming from the forest. He picks up a stick and guards himself with it. And what he saw next probably scared him the most. Swara walked out of the forest holding a huge tree branch and a huge leaf. Sanskar's jaw dropped as he saw Swara's avatar. Twigs and leaves were stuck to her hair and she had dirt all over herself. Swara struggles and manages to bring the tree branch and places it in front of Sanskar. She closes Sanskar's mouth.

Swara- What?

Sanskar- Where were you?

Swara- Ur the one who said that I had to figure out a way out of here. So I was managing that.

Sanskar- U had to go into the jungle for that? What if you got lost? What if an animal hurt you? Oh wait, they probably were scared after seeing that face of yours.
Sanskar takes a piece of dirt off of Swara's cheek.

Sanskar- By the way, yeh kon si make up brand hai? U should wear it more often.
He laughs and Swara glares at him.

Swara- Ha ha very funny Sanskar Maheswari.

Swara goes near the water and washes her face. She then takes some abandoned rope and ties the giant leaf to the end of the tree branch. Sanskar looks at her confused.

Sanskar- What is that?

Swara- A paddle. Now we can use this to row as we are on the jet ski.

Sanskar- Wow I'm impressed. Maybe there is actually a brain up there.

Swara- Excuse me! I am the topper of the college.

Sanskar- Well so am I!

Swara goes to the Jet ski which was sitting on the beach and tries to push it back on the water. She struggles but is not able to move it. Sanskar goes there and helps her. They get the jet ski onto the water. Sanskar sits in front while Swara sits behind him. Sanskar starts rowing and using the jet ski as a boat, they start moving on the water. They row farther away from the island and into the middle of the sea. Awkward silence fills the air as only the waves of the water are able to be heard. Sanskar continues rowing.

Swara- Sanskar...

Sanskar- Yes.

Swara- How do you know how to ride a jet ski? As far as I know, u can't even afford to ride one.

Sanskar- Oh I owned one.
Swara is shocked.

Swara- What?
Sanskar stops rowing.

Sanskar- I mean....I had a friend who owned one. I used to ride his and that's how I learned.
Sanskar continues rowing while Swara stares at him in silence.

Next Scene...

Kavya and Priya come to the beach again to search for Swara.

Kavya- Swara didn't come to the hotel room last night. Priya, where is she?

Priya- I don't know. Where can she be?

They walking round the beach asking people for help and calling out Swara's name.


Sanskar is still rowing. Beads of sweat roll down his forehead.

Swara- Sanskar tum....

Sanskar- Swara, take my handkerchief out from my pocket please.

Swara hesitantly reaches for Sanskar's pocket. Her hand shakes as she reaches inside the front pocket of Sanskar's shorts. She takes out a white handkerchief and holds it out in front of Sanskar. Sanskar struggles to hold the row and take the handkerchief. Seeing Sanskar's struggle, Swara wipes off Sanskar's beads of sweat. Sanskar is shocked. She leans closer towards Sanskar. For support, her hand holds his shoulder while her other hand reaches around Sanskar as she wipes his forehead gently.

Sanskar- Thank you.

Kavya and Priya are still calling out Swara's name. Suddenly they see Rishi and Mohit on the same shore. They were calling out Sanskar's name. They walk up to Kavya and Priya.

Rishi- Have you seen Sanskar?

Kavya- He's missing also?

Rishi- Also? Who else is missing?

Priya- Swara didn't come to the hotel room last night.

Mohit- Neither did Sanskar. Where did they go?

The professor and the rest of the students arrive at the beach.

Professor- Did you guys find Swara and Sanskar?

Rishi- No ma'am.

Student- Hey look! There they are!
The class looks to where the student points. Far out in the sea, they sea Swara and Sanskar approaching the beach. They all run to the water as Sanskar and Swara get off the jet ski.

Kavya- You two were together? Do u know how worried we were? U didn't even bother to tell any of us?

Rishi- Kya yaar Sanskar? U could have at least told me that Swara was with you. Then we wouldn't have worried this much.

Professor- This is highly unacceptable Swara and Sanskar. I know u are now grown adults, but I am responsible for you all on this trip. If you two wanted to spend time together alone then u should have informed someone first.
Swasan are stunned. The professor walks away.

Priya- Swara? Tu aur Sanskar? Kavya, pinch me...I'm not dreaming am I?

Kavya- Priya, I think I' dreaming also. In what other world would Swara and Sanskar go to spend time together?

Rishi- Sanskar? U didn't tell me that u had a thing with Swara? I mean, u guys are like enemies.

Mohit- Ha Sanskar. U should have told us that u and Swara love each other.

Swasan- KYA?! Love?

Sanskar- Love? Woh bhi iss Siyappa Queen se?

Swara- Pyar? Woh bhi Akru Maheswari se?

Swasan- NEVER!

Sanskar- I just hate you!

Swara- I hate you too!

They walks away in opposite directions, leaving Kavya, Priya, RIshi, and Mohit speechless. Their jaw drops as they watch Swara and Sanskar walk away.

Girl: Sanskar, my darling! I'm back!
Swara looks at the girl and fumes....

✔I Hate U ~ A Journey of LoveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin