Episode 36

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Recap: Rishi decides to threaten and scare Sunny away. However, the plan fails when Sunny says he will call the police. Swara falls ill. Sunny is a doctor and he declares that Swara is pregnant. Swara is shocked. Shomi decides to get Swara married to Sunny right away. She forcefully takes Swara to a temple.


Sanskar was riding his bike around, looking for Swara.
Sanskar- Come on Swara, where are you?

Meanwhile, Shomi brought Swara and Sunny to a temple. Swara was crying and pleading to her mother.
Swara- Maa please don't do this.

Shomi- Not one word Swara!

Swara- Ma, this is wrong. I am already married.

Shomi- I don't accept this marriage.
She hands a flower garland to Sunny.

Shomi- Here beta, put this on Swara.

Sunny puts the garland on Swara, even with the resistance from her side. Shomi makes Swara put the garland around Sunny's neck. He then takes a pinch of sindoor.
Swara looks with fearful eyes, at Sunny, who was approaching her with the sindoor. Swara closes her eyes. After a few moments, when she doesn't feel anything, she opens her eyes to find a hand holding Sunny's wrist. She sees the owner of the hand to be Sanskar.

Swara- Sanskar...
She runs to him and hugs him tightly. Sanskar breaks the hug and wipes Swara's tears away. He nods a no to her then turns to Shomi.

Sanskar- Chi aunty chi! And you call yourself the mother of this girl? My parents have given me the values and morals to respect the elders, and that's exactly what I did. I loved Swara more than myself, but I broke her heart because of you. I let her go, think of a mother. I let her go on your insistence. But I'm sorry. I could not stay away from her. Swara is my world, she is my life. I will not be able to let her go. And mind you Mr. Sunny, I have also been taught how to treat girls. I know my limit and I never touched Swara with any bad intentions in the six months we stayed in the same room. So just take you pregnancy lies and just go to hell!
Sanskar's eyes were becoming moist as he spoke.

Sanskar- I saved Swara once and I will save her again. No matter how many natural disasters, how many storms or obstacles comes, I will protect her even if that means giving up my life. I can't see tears in Swara's eyes. And whoever causes those tears won't be left alone...
Sanskar turns to Swara and holds her hand.

Sanskar- Let's go Swara.
Sanskar and Swara turn to leave.

Shomi- Ruko!
Swasan stop and turn around. Shomi walks up to Sanskar. Swara becomes tensed. She reaches out to Sanskar. Sanskar flinches. Suddenly, Shomi's angered face relaxes as tears form in her eyes. She caresses Sanskar's cheek. Both Swara and Sanskar were surprised.

Shomi- I wonder what good deed I must have done in my previous birth to have gotten a son in law like you.

Swara- Maa?
Shomi folds her hands in front of Sanskar.

Shomi- Please forgive me. I had to do this drama.

Sanskar- Drama?
Sunny smiles.

Sunny- Yes drama. Let me explain. You are Sanskar right?

Sanskar- Yes, but how did you know?

Shomi- I told him.
Swara and Sanskar were both the uttermost confused. They could not comprehend what was going on in front of them.

Shomi- Sanskar, that day when you called me to meet Swara, I saw the care you had for her. At that point, I realized that Swara couldn't have gotten a better life partner. But, I am a mother after all. How could I hand my daughter off to some unknown man? A fear was always built up inside me. Many men came to me with proposals for Swara. I was very excited that I could finally get Swara married. But I was disgusted when I found out about the reason behind the proposals. Some wanted her money and property and others just wanted her body...
Shomi closed her eyes, disgusted.

Shomi- I raised Swara by myself. I couldn't just hand her off to the wrong person. So I decided to test you. I told you to leave Swara even though I knew how much you loved her. You still let her go, respecting my decisions and I realized that you had good moral values. But I was still surprised that you let your love go that easily. But you proved me wrong once again. That night, I saw you and Swara on the balcony and I realized that you can't leave her. Now after today, I have no worries. I am relieved to know that after me, there is someone much better to protect and love my Swara.
Swasan were speechless.

Swara- Maa? You did such a big drama???

Shomi- After all, you have to see whose mother I am, India ki sabse bari drama queen, Swara Gadodia's mother.
Swara and Shomi laughed.

Shomi- Beta, I hope you have forgiven me.

Sanskar- Are, what are you saying aunty. Please don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong. U were just trying to protect your daughter. Now don't cry or your beautiful makeup will get ruined.
Sanskar wipes her tears off as Shomi laughs and playfully slaps Sanskar's shoulder.

Shomi- Haat baadmash.
Sanskar laughs and side hugs Shomi.

Sanskar- Ek second. How did Swara become pregnant?

Sunny- I think I can answer that. Shomi aunty called me for the drama and since Swara is my childhood friend, I needed to help her out. When I realized that Swara was sick, I thought that this was the perfect time to execute the plan so you can come here and save her. Sorry yaar Sanskar but I had to lie. Don't worry, Swara is not pregnant. She just had food poisoning.

Swasan- Food poisoning! (Funny tune).

Shomi and Sunny burst into laughter.

Shomi- Ok ok. One last thing. Let's make the lie come true.
Swasan were confused.

Shomi- Now that everything is clear, I want to get you two married again. This time, properly.
Rishi and Kavya come out.

Kavya- Wait for us!

Sanskar- You two here?

Rishi- Actually, aunty called us and told us everything.

Sunny- You were the one that called me and threatened me right?
Rishi became nervous.

Rishi- S...s..sorry.
Sunny laughed.

Sunny- Saale, at least try to make it seem more realistic.
Everyone laughs.

Sunny- Ok now please give me the permission to go. it is time for me to leave.

Shomi- Leave? But won't you stay for the wedding?

Sunny- Sorry aunty, I can't. My vacation time is over. Plus, my job is done and the two love birds are united.

Sanskar- You came like and anger in our lives. Thank you.

Sunny- Are what are you saying. I think you can consider me as your friend. Congrats man and take care of Swara. She can be quite a handful.
Swara scowls at Sunny.

Sunny- I'm just joking. Sorry Swara. I know I have been annoying you since our childhood. I know you hated me and still probably do, but I hope that can change.
Swara smiles. Sunny gives her a side-hug. Sunny starts to leave and then turns back.

Sunny- Oh and Swara, make that lie to come true. I'll be waiting for the good news!
Swara blushes. Sunny waves bye and walks away.

Precap: Wedding preparations have begun (are you guys excited?) and Sanskar's family to come....

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