29) Christmas Eve!

Start from the beginning

She ended up sitting on Namjoon's lap, legs draping over Jin's lap, head resting on Namjoon's chest. Everyone were watching the movie in peaceful silence, until the shrilling sound of the door bell broke the silence.

Namjoon groaned not wanting to get up. In the end he did, whilst holding you on the side of his hip. He opened the door to reveal his Mother and Father.

"Mom, Dad, hey how are you?" Namjoon smiled whilst adjusting you on his hip.

"Hey Joonie and—" Mrs Kim stopped long enough to gasp. "Who is this cutie?!" She asked excitedly as she walked inside. She took off her shoes, placing them on the shoe rack before making her way towards her son.

"Uh Mom, this is Y/N, you weren't able to meet her last time because of.. reasons" Namjoon smiled. Mrs Kim instantly understood what he meant by 'reasons' and smiled whilst nodding.

"Well then, hello Y/N I am your Grandma!" She smiled as she looked at the small girl, whom hid her face in Namjoon's neck, shyly.

"She isn't the best with new people" Namjoon smiled and Mrs Kim's face showed an 'o' expression.

"Hey Namjoon I've seen you've been busy, my deepest condolences for not being able to make it last time, you see I had fallen slightly ill" Mr Kim said as he took his own shoes off.

"No, no, no it's alright Dad, do not apologise it is alright, why don't you come in and meet the rest of the gang?" Namjoon smiled to his Father. Mrs Kim gasped as if she remembered something.

"Who's my baby Jinnie doing?? Have you been treating him like a princess like I said?? Have you hurt him?? Is he sad?? Is he ok?? How has he been since I've last seen him??" Mrs Kim flooded Namjoon with questions.

"Mommy is ok, he is in the living room now watching the Grinch with Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin Oppa also Taehyungie and Jungkookie" Y/N smiled at her Grandam whom smiled fondly back at the little one.

"I like her, she's soo cuteeee!!" Mrs Kim cooed as she took you in her arms. You hugged her neck gently as she walked with you towards the living room.

"Jinnie..? Princess??" Mr Kim looked at Namjoon, confusion visible on every inch of the older mans face.

"Last time you were here, a lot happened, Mom practically loves Seokjin now" Namjoon explains.

"Well that's lovely to hear, scary but lovely to hear" Mr Kim smiled. They chuckled as they made their way towards the living room.

They were faced with Yoongi holding up a bright pink present. Y/N was frantically jumping to reach the present but failed miserably.

"Dad!! Y/Nie was trying to open her presents early!!" Yoongi complained as he held it higher.

"Give it Oppa!! Please!!" Y/N begged but to no avail. She screamed in frustration as she gave up and grabbed one of Yoongi's present, holding it high and threatening to throw it on the ground.

"Put my present back!!" Yoongi yelled as he chased after Y/N. She took the hint and bolted. Yoongi had dropped Y/N's present whilst chasing after her but Y/N kept a firm grip on Yoongi's.

"Umm, shouldn't you stop them?" Mr Kim asked glancing at Namjoon.

"Nah, Yoongi is finally getting exercise" Namjoon simply stated. The three other adults in the room laugh at Namjoon's statement.

"So Yoongi hasn't changed who—" Mrs Kim was interrupted by a loud scream.

"AHHHH!! PUT ME DOWN OPPA!!! PLEASE!!!" You yelled. Namjoon and his Father rushed into the kitchen to see you sitting on top of the fridge whilst Yoongi was getting down off the kitchen counter.

"Y/N!! How did you even??" Namjoon asked confused as to how she managed to get up there.

"Yoongi Oppa put me up here!! Please help me down it scaryyy!!" You cried as you held your hands down towards Namjoon.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon yelled disappointedly at Yoongi before helping you down off the fridge. You clutched onto Namjoon as you cried silently. "Yoongi go to your room and don't come out til dinner" Namjoon sighed.

"But!— she took my present and tried to break it!!" Yoongi protested.

"Doesn't mean you have to put her on top of a fridge Yoongs, I'll call you down when dinners ready alright?" Namjoon sighed whilst rubbing soothing circles on Y/N's back. "You've frightened her Yoongi" Namjoon said gently as he glanced at Yoongi who only shook his head. He nonetheless walked upstairs and to his room, shutting it close with a slam that echoed throughout the whole house.

This is gonna be an interesting Christmas... Namjoon thought as he and his Father made their way back towards the others.

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