Chapter 17: Getting to know

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"I never would admit it. I mean, when all of us girls would get drunk, there would be kissing and necking, but the whole idea of being a lesbian always scared me to death. I was determined to be straight and miserable rather than a lesbian and happy.

Then I met Becca. There was no denying what it was or what I was feeling after that. I couldn't have run from it if I had wanted to." Jessy held her shoes in one hand and DEAN's hand in the other as they walked down the beach. They'd had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant

Jessy hadn't even heard of. After they both were done, they decided a walk on the beach, just the two of them, would be the perfect end to their evening.

"Did you ever catch the elusive Rebecca?" DEAN asked.

"No way," Jessy said, "she was way out of my league. I never had a chance in hell. If nothing else, she helped me face who I really was. Nightly fantasies made it impossible for me to get over her until she graduated." Jessy turned around to face DEAN, looped her fingers with DEAN's and walked backwards in front of her. "I was with one woman after I graduated who I dated for six months. I went out on a few dates with another woman a couple of months ago. That's it. I've only dated two women and only been with one."

"Does it bother you that I have been with so many women?" DEAN hoped that having this conversation wouldn't change Jessy's mind about her. Even though it scared DEAN, she was pretty confident that when Jessy had said she loved her, she meant it. She didn't see Jessy as the type of person to let something like this run her off.

"No, it doesn't bother me, DEAN. I've seen the game being played for years by many other lesbians. As long as a commitment is made, and we both hold to that commitment, there is nothing that can stop us.

There is nothing you can tell me that is going to make me stop loving you." Jessy stopped walking and once DEAN was right in front of her, she dropped her shoes in the sand and slipped her arms around DEAN's waist. "I only want you DEAN.

There is no one else that could ever make me feel the way you do."

DEAN dropped her shoes in the sand, bent over and wrapped her hands around the back of Jessy's thighs. She picked Jessy up and wrapped her legs around her waist and cupped her ass in her hands. "I can promise you that there is no one else that I ever want to be with except you. I don't know how to do relationships, but if you can be patient with me and help me figure it all out, I think we can make this work. I love you Jessy, and you are the first woman I have ever said those words to besides my mother."

"I love you too, DEAN, so much." Jessy captured DEAN's lips and sucked on each lip before finally capturing DEAN's tongue and sucking it between her lips. She heard DEAN moan against her. She slid her tongue along DEAN's and inside her wet and eager mouth.

Jessy felt DEAN walking, and then DEAN slid a hand up her back and held her close as she lowered Jessy down onto a step at the tower they had been to before. Jessy kept her legs wrapped around DEAN and started moving them against DEAN's pelvis.

As DEAN moved up a step, Jessy pushed up with her and climbed step after step until they were all the way to the top. DEAN's hand came behind her head, and then she was lowered down on the wooden platform.

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