Chapter 7: Guessing Game!

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"Sorry," DEAN whispered right before she brought her lips down to Jessy's. It was a soft, gentle kiss and DEAN finally stepped back away from Jessy. "Come to the back with me?"

"And why would I want to do that?" Jessy asked as DEAN led her toward a door and into a dark room.

"So I can get you measured for a board to take you surfing tomorrow," DEAN replied as she pulled a string and lit up the room. "I assume you know how to swim?"

"Yes, but I've never done anything even close to surfing." Jessy let DEAN lead her to a wall to get her height measured. When DEAN led her toward a scale like she always saw in her doctor's office, Jessy pulled to a stop and looked at her.

"You can either step on or I will have to guess."

"Then you'd better start guessing," Jessy said and crossed her arms over her chest. DEAN took a step toward her and knelt at her feet. When she lifted one of Jessy's legs off the floor, Jessy lowered her arms and balanced herself on DEAN's shoulder. DEAN lifted her leg up in front of her and brought a hand up to the back of her foot.

The hand slid up her leg slowly, grasping her calf muscle as it moved up. When it slid over her knee, Jessy held her breath and watched it grips its way up her thigh. Her muscle flexed under DEAN's hand causing DEAN to ease her touch and bring Jessy's foot back down to the ground. She turned to face Jessy and brought her hands up and placed them on Jessy's hips.

Again, she increased the pressure with her hands and felt the muscles of Jessy's hips and butt. DEAN stood and slid her hands up Jessy's back and strong shoulders.

"DEAN, what are you doing?" Jessy almost whispered as DEAN's hands slid down her breasts and wrapped around her abdomen.

"If I have to guess, I at least want to be informed." DEAN let her hands slide back up and cup Jessy's breasts. She lifted them as her thumbs grazed each nipple.

"Are you getting enough information?" Jessy's breath was short as DEAN again brushed her thumbs down across Jessy's sensitive nipples and then lowered her hands back down to her waist.

DEAN closed her eyes and kissed Jessy's forehead before taking a step back.

"122?" DEAN asked as she stepped back to a sheet of paper and wrote down Jessy's height and approximate weight.

When she glanced up, Jessy's face let her know that she had gotten pretty close to her actual weight. DEAN smiled and took Jessy's hand, leading her over to a low balance beam. She held Jessy's hand only long enough for her to step up.

Jessy raised her arms up at her sides and managed her way across the beam quickly.

She brought a foot of the beam and twisted on her toes and headed back across the beam with no problem. She looked up and found DEAN shaking her head and smiling at her.

"Would you happen to be a gymnast?" DEAN asked as she watched Jessy gracefully remove herself from the beam.

"Did you presume that just from me walking across a beam of wood?"

"Your legs and ass were the first clues, all muscle. Your ease on the beam just confirmed it." DEAN led Jessy over to a back section of the room where a machine sat in the floor. DEAN released Jessy's hand, grabbed the controller, and stepped up onto the surfboard that had been built on top of it.

"This is something a friend and I have been working on. It simulates the movement of the board in the water and gets people used to standing and moving on top of them." DEAN bent her knees and flipped the power button. She kept her body vertical and moved her hips as she controlled the movement of the board.

"The controller lets me or Brian get the board moving, but there is enough give with the board that with the right moves, you get the board moving where you want it to go, just like you would do if you were fighting a wave." DEAN did a quick jump on the board before hopping to the floor and turning the machine off.

When the board had levelled off, Jessy stepped up onto it and bent her knees. "Okay, let's give it a try."

"You don't have to Jessy. I just wanted to show it to you." DEAN reached her hand up to help Jessy down, but Jessy pulled her hand away.

"If I can ride a mechanical bull and stay on, then I think I can ride this without falling off."

"That almost sounded like a dare," DEAN said as she took a step back and took the controller back in her hand.

"Not quite, but I'll give it a try. It's the same concept, isn't it? Keep your center of gravity over the center point of the board?" Jessy bent her knees again and brought her arms out at her sides.

"You got it," DEAN laughed and flicked the button. She did a small side roll with the board and watched as Jessy leaned back to keep her balance. DEAN kept slowly moving the board and Jessy handled most of the moves easily. Only at the end, when DEAN put a little more twist on the controller, did Jessy lose her balance and tumble off the board toward DEAN. DEAN stuck her arm out and caught Jessy easily and pulled her toward her.

"You are an impressive woman," DEAN said as she snuggled against Jessy's neck.

"You've not seen anything yet," Jessy said and pressed her lips to DEAN's. She heard the controller DEAN had held hit the ground and then felt her other arm wrap around her as DEAN's lips pressed back against hers. Jessy parted her lips and accepted the tongue that demanded entry.

She heard herself moan as DEAN's tongue teased across the top of her mouth. Her plan to tease DEAN had backfired. She wanted to melt to the floor as DEAN's tongue slid along hers and teased her lips.

"You're trying to play a game that you have no chance of winning," DEAN said as she pulled her lips from Jessy's. She let her tongue tease the wet, open lips before finally stepping back.

DEAN led her over to a wall of boards that she hadn't painted yet. She found one on the stack that was the right length for Jessy. Since Jessy was a beginner, she wanted a long, balanced board for her to start out on.

"What are your favorite colors?" DEAN pulled the board out of the stack and walked it over to the table where she did all of her final work.

"Blue is my favorite with dark green coming in a close second. Did you make all of these boards?"

"Brian and I make them. He does most of the actual board work, and I usually do the final touches." She pulled three cans of paint off of a high shelf already having a vision in her head of what she wanted to paint. "Do you have a favorite symbol or scene? Something that when you see it, it makes you feel like home?" When Jessy didn't answer her, DEAN turned and saw that she was staring down at her cell phone. Jessy clicked on a photo and handed it to DEAN.

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