Chapter 16: Second Day!

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It had been a long two days for Jessy. Between the kids that seemed to be doing anything to push her to her limits, Jessy was also at the end of her patience with DEAN.

Her thoughts were always on DEAN, either straight out fantasizing about her, or being reminded of her around every turn or every word she heard. She had never been obsessed with anyone, but Jessy imagined that was what you would call what she had.

If she were to call her psychiatrist for an emergency visit, he would tell her to either get over it, or get into it. Since there were still two dates to go through before Jessy could have the only thing that would settle her, she could do neither.

Even Regine had noticed that Jessy was distracted and had offered Jessy an ear if she needed to talk.

Jessy had thanked her but refused. Talking about it wasn't going to help. If she could get through the next two days and keep herself together then her patience will pay off. Friday night, she was going to make love to DEAN, even if she had to tie her to the bed to do it.

Jessy had chosen her tan slacks and tan sleeveless vest to where for her and DEAN's evening out to dinner. She had a black lace bra on under the vest but nothing else.

The few buttons covered just enough for Jessy to be allowed in public, but left enough visible that DEAN wouldn't be able to keep her eyes off of her. Two inch heels were the final part of the outfit and made her feel sexy and confident.

She left her hair down, but curled it and left it hanging over one shoulder. Jessy only ever used a touch of makeup, and tonight, it was mainly to accent her eyes.

A light splash of perfume on her neck, and she was ready and waiting for DEAN. She placed her small clutch on the table by the door and went over to the window to watch for DEAN's arrival. Just as Jessy saw DEAN's convertible heading toward the parking lot, her phone rang.

"Hi," Jessy said softly. "I was just getting ready to head down."

"Stay there please, and I will come up to get you. Can you do me a favor and step away from the window? I have something for you and I would rather you not get a peak until I get up there."

"Of course, kind sir, I will be waiting for you." Jessy heard the nervousness in DEAN's voice and hoped her teasing could put her at ease.

"How long will you wait?"

"As long as it takes," Jessy answered and meant it.

"I'll be right up," DEAN laughed and ended their call. She hopped out of her car and pulled the covered board and painting out of the backseat. She tucked both under the same arm and headed up to Jessy.

When she reached her apartment, she leaned both items against the wall and knocked on the door. When Jessy opened the door, DEAN took in every inch of the gorgeous woman standing before her. "You're beautiful, Jessy," DEAN said in awe.

"You're not so bad yourself, surfer girl." DEAN's dark slacks made her legs look even longer and the maroon blouse was perfect to highlight her tanned skin and blond hair.

Jessy wrapped her hand around DEAN's and pulled her forward.

Her heels made them almost the same height and Jessy easily brought her lips up and captured DEAN's.

"It's so good to see you," Jessy whispered between kisses. She would give up her evening meal if it meant she could stand here and kiss DEAN all night.

When Jessy pulled back, DEAN looked at the perfect lips and couldn't help but glance down at the vest that left Jessy so exposed. She brought her eyes back up and gave Jessy as innocent of a smile as she could muster.

"Take a few steps back for me please, and I will present you with your first gift of the evening." DEAN waited until Jessy was far enough away from her before she pulled the board off the wall and handed it over to her.

Jessy pulled the wrap off of the board and then turned it over and saw what DEAN had painted on her board. Reds and oranges from a setting sun was the backdrop to a curling wave of the ocean. In the middle above the wave was a beam of light, and rising in that beam of light was a stretch of ground with a single tree, a horse and a gravestone that was ascending to heaven.

Jessy sat the end of the board on the floor and brought a hand up to her lips. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked at her new life and old life all in one scene.

She leaned the board against the table and stepped into DEAN's arms without saying a word.

DEAN had one arm wrapped around Jessy's head which was buried in her neck. The other arm was around her back and holding her tightly. She held Jessy for quite a while before she spoke. "Are you okay?" She kissed Jessy's head and then pulled her up to face her.

"Yeah, you just kind of caught me by surprise with that. Its beautiful DEAN and means a lot to me." Jessy wiped the tears from her eyes and tried not to smear her mascara as she did. "I don't know if you could have painted a more perfect scene than that for me. I can finally let go of my past, because I have finally found my future." Jessy wrapped her arms around DEAN's neck and pulled into her arms. "I've fallen in love with you, DEAN."

"Oh honey, I love you, too. I think I have since the very beginning. No one has ever made me feel the way you do. For once in my life I feel complete, and it's because of you." DEAN kept her arms tight around Jessy as she confessed her own feelings.

Immediately, she felt a weight off of her shoulders and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "We have a reservation. We should probably get going."

"Okay," Jessy said as she pulled back from DEAN. "Let me go see if my makeup made it through my tears." She gave DEAN a quick kiss and headed down the hall towards the bathroom.

While Jessy was in the bathroom, DEAN brought in the covered painting and sat it on the far side of the room behind the couch. She wasn't going to give it to Jessy until later.

If the surfboard made her tear up then the painting was going to make her bawl.

DEAN was back at the door quickly and held out her hand to Jessy as she came back down the hall. Jessy grabbed her clutch and locked the door before they headed off to dinner.

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