Chapter 9: The Next Day; At Work

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"So, I'll see you tomorrow after work? You can just bring your suit and clothes with you, if you want and change here." DEAN was trying not to act like the nervous fool that she felt, but her hands gave away her nerves as she fiddled with her keys.

"I should be here around 4:30." Jessy took both of DEAN's hands in hers and pulled them around her waist and then circled her own around DEAN's neck. "I'm glad you came over and sat down next to me tonight, DEAN. I wouldn't have had the courage to approach you, and I can't imagine now not knowing you." Jessy let her hands slide up through DEAN's hair and then back down her neck. She pulled DEAN's head down and gently brought their lips together.

She kept the kiss soft knowing how much she and DEAN both would react if they let themselves get carried away.

"Thank you for an enjoyable evening," Jessy said and placed a last kiss on DEAN's lips. "I will see you tomorrow as soon as I get off. How about I stop and pick up some sandwiches or something before I get here?"

"That would be wonderful, if you could. Then we can spend the rest of the evening getting you used to the board." DEAN held the door as Jessy seated herself. She leaned in and gave Jessy one last kiss before standing to leave. "Sweet dreams Jessy." DEAN stepped back on the sidewalk and waved as Jessy pulled away.

When she finally turned out of her sight, DEAN headed for her apartment where she knew that she would dream of Jessy when she went to sleep, if she could go to sleep.

Jessy folded her workout clothes up and placed them in her bag. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over her bikini before putting her tennis shoes back on.

This was her first full week at the LA Gymnastics Studio, and she was starting out with a small group of young girls and two boys. They were all eager to learn, and Jessy had a blast teaching and coaching them as they tumbled and flipped.

Her boss had explained that she liked to take a few weeks with new employees and work them in many areas before deciding exactly where they would be placed. Since Jessy was capable in many areas of gymnastics, she wasn't worried about where she would end up.

Right now, the only thing she was worried about was being able to handle herself on a surfboard.

"Hi Jessy, how did your day go?"

Jessy had been so caught up in her mind that she hadn't heard Regine come in the locker room, and she jumped when she spoke to her. "Hi Regine," Jessy said, with her hand over her chest from the surprise. "It was a good day. I had a great bunch of kids who wanted to learn. It was fun."

"Sorry I scared you. If you weren't worried about your day, then what was that concerned look on your face when I came in?" Regine asked as she pulled off her outfit.

"I've got my first surfing lesson after work, and I'm a little worried is all." Jessy tied her shoes and stood up facing Regine.

"You shouldn't have much problem with surfing with your balance being as good as it is." Regine pulled a clean shirt over her head and stepped toward Jessy.

"You want me to tell you what I was told when I first started learning? It's a little bit crude for advice, but I don't think I've heard a more adequate description of surfing in all my years."

"I'll take any advice you want to offer," Jessy said.

Regine pulled on her jeans and stood before Jessy as she fastened them up. She bent her knees like she was standing on a surf board. "When you get up on your feet and get your body set, imagine that there is a stick coming out of the board." Regine moved her hand up from the imaginary board she was standing on and up toward her hips.

"The lady that taught me actually used the word penis, but she was blunt like that. Whatever it is you want to imagine, think about it being secured to the board and going up into your vagina. When you set your knees down, you sit down on top of it. It cannot come out of the board, but if you don't keep your body lined up right, it can come out of you. No matter how you move, whether back on your heels or forward on the balls of your feet, it is your job to keep it inside of you." Regine straightened her legs and winked at Jessy.

"The last thing you want to happen is for it to come out before you've reached the climax of your wave."

Jessy felt the blush across her face but managed to glance up at Regine and give her a small smile. "I've never heard it explained like that before, but you are right. It is a very good description of how to move, from what I've seen anyway. Thanks, I'll try to remember that later."

"Just don't think about it too hard," Regine said as she stepped by Jessy and headed toward the door. She let her hand linger on Jessy's arm for a moment as she passed by. "You might end up too distracted to surf."

Jessy smiled as Regine left her in the locker room alone.

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