Chapter 15

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After little persuading, the whole guard and all three kings followed us into the safety -dynaaaamite!- room. Peter and Char stood a few feet away from me near the door and we watched as everyone crowded in the room. There was a lot of yelling and shouts as they moved and tried to get situated.

I put two fingers in my mouth and let out a loud, ear piercing whistle. Everyone froze and turned to me, some rubbing their ears. I wanted to grin badly but settled for a sly smile as amusement shot through me.

"Only you would find this amusing," Alec says rolling his eyes. I glare at him. How I ever liked him is beyond me, the same question I asked myself after Edward.

"Shut the hell up. Peter, Char, and Gwen are going to find the others, and be back soon. Hopefully our attackers will be gone soon," I say as I stare at them levelly. I send a nod at the said people and they scurry out the door and away from this place forever.

Aros eyes narrow as he watches them leave, his gaze seems thoughtful. I glance out the window and I watch as the three meet up with the rest of our group before they hurry into the forest. I nod my head slightly in approval before glancing down at my watch.

Five minutes.

Murmurs go throughout the room room and some people start yelling.

"What's going on, truly?!"

"How can we trust you?!"

"I see no signs of attack!"

"I hear none!"

"What're you trying to pull?!"

"Yes," Aro starts slowly as he looks at me through a narrow gaze. "What are you trying to pull?" Everyone silences and watches me, waiting for an answer.

A sly smirk spreads on my face as I shove my body against the door and lock it with a click. I cross my arms and bring my left leg up against the door, the smirk still on my face.

"What you were going to do to me in oh," -I glance at my watch, two minutes- "ten minutes," I say nonchalantly.

They looks at me with confused looks. Aro and Alec look pissed and the others seem to pretend they don't know what I'm talking about. Jane looks worried as she glances uneasily between me and the guard.

"Jane," I state. She looks at me and her widen as she takes a step foreword.


I motion for her to come foreword and she comes until she stands right next to. I reach behind me and unlock the door with a click. I open it half way and jerk my head out. She blinks in confusion before understanding flashes through her eyes. As she slips through the door, I slip a folded piece of paper into her hand and shut the door behind her, locking it once again.

I turned and faced the others, going back into my earlier position. Aro and a couple of the others seemed to fume with smoke coming out of their ears. Others, seemed very confused and lost, like, they didn't know where they were or why they were here.

"Isabella! I demand to know what is going on!" Aro fumes as he glares at me.

I smirk. "Like I said earlier, what you were going to do to me about fifteen minutes ago. This place, this rule, is all about to die. And you're going with it."

"So what you mean is," Aro gasps slowly looking horrified.

"She's going to kill us all," Marcus finishes blankly, gazing lazily at his hands.

Protests probably would have filled the room if it wasn't for the fact at that times, my watch went off and everyone's gazes snapped down to it. I pulled out a match at lightening speed and lit it, throwing it up in the air as the dynamite goes off.

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