Chapter 10

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Her transformation took the normal three days. She thrashed and screamed so violently that we had to strap her down to keep her still. While she was out, I took care of Alina, and the rest of us worked on our plan in secret. No one else could figure us out, or, we'd all be dead before you could blink.

"Are ya sure this is gonna work," Char asks uneasily. She wasn't the one to question many things that me and Peter did, but this put the cherry on top.

"We'll be fine. I'll use my powers, get us all outta here, and BAM! We can go visit the Cullen's and tell them the awesome news!"

"But...," Char says slowly.

"But, I don't know if we'll still be able to have order for all vampires after this," I reply.

Char lets out a breath, "I was afraid of that."

Peter nods. "I've been tryin ta get info on it, but I did'n get much. But, we should be good for a few years before it all goes down from there," he says.

I nod slowly. "And that might just give the time we need to get some things back in order with better rulers."

"Right," Peter agrees.

"We're going to need Gwen," I say.

"Right," Peter says again.


"WHAT?!" Peter and Char look at me incredulous.

"What do we need her for?" Char asks.

"A distraction."

"Really?" Peter raises an eyebrow in curiosity.

I nod. "Yes, so here's how it's going to go....."


As the days went by we worked on our plan in secret. Gwen soon woke up and we let in her on what was going on. When I got to her part in all this, she was more then happy to help. I was grateful for it.

It's wasn't easy for her to get the attacking and hunting thing. She also had a bit of trouble with her controlling, but I assured her she would get it soon. Other then that, she was even more beautiful as a vampire.

Our plan would work, all we needed was loads of dynamite, fire, and some guns, then we'd be good to go.

I couldn't wait, neither could Peter because this was about to go down with a BANG, BOOM, and CA-BOOM!

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