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{Nashi's POV}

I woke up and got ready to go meet the mayor. It was a ball type thing so I put on a long red dress with a leg slit. I know it's basic but I like it. I put on some make-up and put my hair in a fancy bun with a French braid. I walked outside and saw Storm-sama waiting. He was wearing a tux. "Morning" I said with a smile. "Morning" he said and kissed me. After a few minutes we left and had fun at the party. We met the mayor and he thanked dad and apologized and then we went home. I unlocked the door and when I walked inside I froze.

Everything was all over, some things were broken. The house was quiet. Luke and dad started looking for mom but I was just frozen. I couldn't do anything. I immediately turned around and walked out the house. The reason I did that was because I saw blood on some of the shards of glass. "Nashi! Where are you going?!" dad yelled. I just kept running I was crying so I couldn't really see. I didn't know where I was running to. Well I wasn't running to anything, I was running away from my house. I ran into Storm-sama. I don't know what he was doing outside or how I got to his house but I was so glad to see him.

"What's wrong" he asked worriedly "M-my mom was kidnapped" I said and sniffled. He just hugged me tightly. In a matter of seconds Em-chan rammed into us and we all fell onto the ground. "Where's Uncle Natsu?!" she asked "At my house" I said and she stood up and dusted herself off. Then she ran towards my house.

{Emma's POV}

We got home and the house was wrecked. It looked like someone broke in. I smelled mom's blood and immediately started looking all around for any sign of her or Sherri or Ryo. They were no where to be found. I looked for fingerprints or anything. Still nothing. I ran to go tell Uncle Natsu but as I was passing by Storm's house I ran into Storm and Nashi-chan. "Where's Uncle Natsu?!" I asked "At my house" Nashi-chan said and I stood up, dusted myself off and started running to her house. I noticed that she was crying but I needed to get to Uncle Natsu.

I got to her house and it looked as bad as mine. Uncle Natsu was sitting on the couch with his head resting on the back of his hands.

 Uncle Natsu was sitting on the couch with his head resting on the back of his hands

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Like that ^

"Un-uncle Natsu?" I asked hesitantly. "Those bastards got Luce" he mumbled. "They got my mom too, and Sherri and Ryo" I said and he glanced at me. "We have to go save them" Luke said "And how would we do that" Uncle Natsu asked "Emma found you from pen ink, it's plain simple to me" Luke said "Emma?" he asked "I already checked everywhere in my house, there's no clues. And I'm guessing it was the same people who took all of them so they wouldn't leave anything here either" I said "Well I don't give a damn if they left clues or not, I'm gonna find those bastards. And when I do, they're gonna wish their momma kept her legs closed" I heard Nashi say and she walked upstairs.

"So you're telling me there's no way to find them?" Luke asked "Well I didn't say that, just not anything yet" I said "Guys!" Nashi-chan yelled "Yes" Uncle Natsu said "I think found something" she said and we all ran upstairs. "Ok so it looks like she was in here when they attacked" she said "How do you know that" he asked "The debris pattern" I said "Exactly" she said "And how does that help" Uncle Natsu asked "They had to walk through the house and up the stairs so most likely-" I cut her off "Footprints, you're a genius" I said and looked for them.

After a few minutes I got footprints and found out who it was. We immediately went after them. We got them back easily but they were a bit roughed up. "Niichan, I have a boo-boo" Ryo said "Oh no, let me fix it for you" I said and put some ointment and a bandaid on it and then kissed it. "All better" I said with a smile.

{Nashi's POV}

Storm-sama decided to spend the night at my house and mom and dad were too caught up in each other to care. Luke was downstairs talking to some chick so me and Storm-sama went to my room. "Ugh I don't wanna go to school tomorrow" Storm-sama whined and rested his head on my chest. I giggled and said "Neither do I but I'm not in the mood for detention". He groaned in annoyance and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Then I'll make sure you stay here with me" he said and dropped himself on the bed, pulling me down with him.

"Really?" I said "Yup" he said and pulled me closer to him. "Hm... well might as well enjoy it" I said and snuggled into his chest. I heard him chuckle and then he started falling asleep. We both ended up falling asleep and then I heard the door open and looked over. "May I help you?" I asked sleepily. The girl Luke was talking to was there. "Yes, I need a partner on a project and your in my class so I'm choosing you" she said "Well I already have a partner so choose someone else" I said "No, the other person can choose someone else, I need someone smart to do it" she said.

I just rolled my eyes and snuggled closer to Storm-sama. "Ugh Luke, your sister won't even listen to me" she whined "I told you she wouldn't" he said and then I heard my door close.


Ok I'm so so so sorry that this chapter is short and it took me so long but I'm currently struggling. Buuuut I will realise a good chapter soon. Also some tea is coming in soon just telling ya.

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