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{Emma's POV}

"Ms. Dragneel, if you ditch you will get detention" Our teacher said "Just start the class" Nashi-chan said "Well you need to go and get a change of clo-" I cut him off "Just start the damn class already" "That is extremely disrespectful" he said "And?" I asked him "I'm gonna write you up for two things now" he said "And those are?" I asked him "Breaking dress code and cursing at a teacher" he told me "I wasn't even cursing, if you wanna hear someone curse at you then bother Nashi-chan" I said "Really Em-chan" Nashi-chan said and then rolled her eyes

"You two, see me after class" he said and then started the lesson, the bell rang and we were about to walk out the class "Ms. Redfox, Ms. Dragneel, I believe I told you to meet me after class" he said, I turned around "What do you want" I asked him "You need to listen to your teachers becuase this disrespect will get you in real trouble" he told us "Well I'll be fine with 'real trouble' becuase I'm not scared of you" I said making air quotes "Well then have fun at your detention" he said as he handed me a piece of paper "I'm not going" I said and them crumbled up the paper and threw it in the trash can

"Then I'll gladly email your parents" he said "Ok" I said and then walked away "Em-chan, when did you become such a badass?" Nashi-chan asked me "I'm just aggravated" I told her "Nashi, Emma, what is your problem with teachers" Luke asked us when we turned a corner in the hallway "The fact that their annoying as fuck" I said "Nashi, what happened to Emma" Luke whispered to Nashi-chan "I really don't know" she whispered back "There's nothing wrong, why would something be fucking wrong with me" I said "The fact that you just said fuck twice" Luke said

"So I can't curse" I asked him "You can it's just that you don't really curse unless something is wrong" he said, a random girl tapped my shoulder "Yes?" I asked her "That outfit" she said "What about it" I asked her "It breaks the dress code" she said "Well your not my mother so you can't tell me what I can wear" I said "Well it just kinda makes you look...." she said "Look like what? Say it" I told her "A thot" she said "And you kinda look like an ugly bitch but I didn't bother you just to tell you" I said "I was just pointing it out" she said "Get the fuck out my face" I said

"I didn't know pointing something out would make you so mad, and please don't curse at me" she said "Why the fuck not, does it hurt your feelings, or are you scared of a fucking word" I asked her "I just don't really like hearing curse words" she said "Then why the fuck would you go out of your way to bother someone" I asked her "I was just trying to help" she said "How can calling me a fucking slut help me?" I asked her "Emma, you need to chill" Luke said "Well then tell this bitch to go somewhere" I said "I'm sorry about her, she's having a bad day" Nashi-chan said to the girl

"Luke, Emma, Nashi, Storm-sama where have you been" Luna said "Oh shit" Storm muttered "Storm, look at Nashi" Luke said "NASHI-CHAN CALM DOWN" I yelled becuase Nashi was literally on fire "Oh no" Luke and Storm said while slightly backing away "Why the fuck is this little bitch here" Nashi-chan said "She goes to school here" I said "That's not what I mean, I mean why the fuck is she near Storm-sama" Nashi-chan said "We can just go" Luke suggested "No" Nashi-chan said "Nashi...... are you ok" Luna asked "Stop acting so fucking innocent, don't act like the other night didn't happen" Nashi-chan said to Luna

"The other night? Ohhhh, that was because you said to use your weakness against you" Luna said with a grin, Nashi-chan got even more upset and a locker started melting "Ok, time to run" Luke said "Luke, if you run she will burn down the whole fucking school" I said "She wouldn't do that with a while bunch of people in here" he said "Luke, you've known her literally her entire life, she would do that if she got mad enough" I said "How about I stop all of this" Storm said and then walked up to Luna "Storm-sama, hey" she said "Don't call me that" he said and then froze her

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