Redfox madness

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My window looks so pretty at night


{Emma's POV} "Wait, why do you have a suspension" Dad asked me before I could close my door "Just read the dumbass note" I said "I want you to tell me" Dad said "Well these sluts kept spreading rumors about me and then once I decided to say something back they...... I cant talk about it okay" I said and then started to walk away "Emma..... What happened" Mom asked "Can I please just not talk about it, I'm getting pissed off at them all over again just thinking about it" I said "We have to know what happened" Mom said

"Fine, they kept saying that I........ got paid..... 5 cents... to" I mumbled the rest "What?" Dad said "To.... do.. it... with a guy" I said while looking down "IM GOING DOWN TO THAT FUCKING SCHOOL RIGHT NOW AND SLAPPING THOSE BITCHES" Mom snapped "Shrimp, you gotta let her finish" Dad said "Ok what did you say back" Mom asked me "Gihee, I said that I was surprised they could spread something other than their legs" I said and then giggled a little, Dad burst out laughing "W-well.... wh-what... did.... they say" Dad said in between laughs

"They said... that mom was...... just a prostitute that you got pregnant and I was just an accident" I said while clenching my fists "Did you say something back?" Mom asked calmly but I could tell she was about to snap again "Well I kinda let my fists do the talking after that" I said "Did those sluts get in trouble too" Dad asked me "No because their weak asses couldn't fight back and the principal thought I attacked them" I said "We're going to the school and getting this suspension taken away" Mom said and then grabbed her keys

"So, how bad did you fuck them up?" Dad asked me "Gihee, a lot more than whatever your thinking" I said, we got to the school and Luke, Nashi, Storm, and Lira were still there "Hey what are you guys doing here" I asked them when Mom and Dad went inside to talk to the principal "Well we cant really go home since we ran away and all" Nashi said "Stoshi is here so I had to wait for the other half of Luem" Lira said "I just don't feel like going home yet" Storm said "Oh, well what are you doing" I asked them "Trying to convince Lira to not take a whole photoshoot" Storm said

"The only reason it was working is because Emma wasn't here" she said "I'm not doing a photoshoot" I said "NASHI AND LUKE DRAGNEEL, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!" I heard Aunt Lu yelled "Oh shit, gotta run" Nashi said "See you later" Luke said and they started running away "Why do they keep running" Aunt Lu asked "Becuase they don't want to move" Storm said "I don't even know if we're still gonna move" Aunt Lu said "Then tell them that" I said "Well it's pretty fucking hard when the don't stop fucking running away" Aunt Lu said

"Well damn Aunt Lu" I said "That's a colorful vocabulary" Storm said "Like you two don't curse" She said and then rolled her eyes "Well maybe if you two told them we aren't moving then they would come back home" Uncle Natsu said "Alright" I said and then took my phone out "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE WORKING IN THIS SCHOOL!? WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T YOU ASK HER DUMBASS! YOU THINK SHE WOULD BEAT UP THOSE GIRLS FOR FUN!" I heard Mom yelling "Oh shit I gotta go" I said and then ran to the school

"Mom what's going on" I said "Your principal is a fucking asshole" She said "Ok but you dont have to be that loud I heard you from all the way outside" I said "M-Mrs. Redfox please use appropriate language when on school grounds" The principal said "Well if you didn't act like a fucking idiot maybe I would" She said "Shrimp" Dad said "Emma I want to hear the story of what happened" The principal said "Now you want the fucking story, I'm not telling it again" I said "First of all dont speak like that to an adult and Second of all if you dont tell me the story the I cant do anything about that suspension" he said

"Well you can't tell me what to do because your not my father and if you wanna know the story go ask those sluts that you didnt punish" I said "You guys aren't going to say anything about the type of language she uses" he asked Mom and Dad "Why would they it's not she was wanted" One of the sluts from earlier whispered but since Dad and I are Dragon Slayers we heard her "What did you just say" I asked her "Nothing that concerns you, accident" The girl said "What did you just call her" Mom asked her "Accident you know cuz she is one" the girl said "Gihee" I said once I saw Mom send the girl a death glare

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