The fight

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Hey minna.
So.. I didn't die and gomen for not posting for a long time. I just kinda got caught up in other things.

But on the bright side I'm over my writers blocks so this one will most likely be a lot longer.

Okay to the story.


Previously: "W-well this is t-the girl t-that was b-bullying Nashi" I said hoping I wouldn't get killed "Oh really?" Luce said with one of those murderer looks

{Emma's POV} "Well this girl is a goner" I said as Aunt Lu was giving her a death stare "So you decided it would be fun to bully me daughter and make her feel worthless?" Aunt Lu told Saku "W-well n-not f-f-fun b-but I j-just.." Saku said "SPIT IT OUT" Aunt Lu yelled at her

"I don't know I was just feeling annoyed by her so I said something and everyone started agreeing so I didn't stop" Saku blurted out "Luce.. before you say anything I wanna talk to her" Uncle Natsu said with a scary look on his face "Oh no" Luke muttered

"It can't be that bad, right?" I asked Luke "Yes it can" Luke said while resting his arm on my shoulder "So you think Nashi is annoying huh" Uncle Natsu said to Saku "Well not all the time but that day she kinda was" Saku said

"What have I ever done to annoy you" Nashi-chan said as if she was about to cry "Look at the pain you cause my little girl to go through! This is unforgivable" Uncle Natsu yelled at Saku "Well I didn't mean for her to get that mad" Saku said trying to sound innocent

"So you thought that you would just bully me and I would think of it as a joke or some stupid shit like that!" Nashi-chan yelled with tears streaming down her face "Nashi! Don't say that!" Aunt Lu yelled at Nashi "Y-you made Nashi cry" Uncle Natsu said while clenching his fist

"Wait! I didn't mean it! I didn't mean any of it! Just please let me go!" Saku yelled "SO YOU MADE NASHI CRY AS A JOKE!" Uncle Natsu yelled "Hey! What's going on here" A teacher yelled "This little bitch made my little girl cry" Uncle Natsu said "Sir please mind your language" The teacher said

"Nashi was getting bullied by this girl and her little minions and you guys did nothing to stop it. So I'm gonna make sure she doesn't make Nashi cry ever again" Uncle Natsu told the teacher "W-well we were unaware if any type of bullying going on" The teacher said

{Luke's POV} "Mr. Johnson, I'm pretty sure it's the school's job to make sure that there isn't any bullying going on" I said hoping that dad wouldn't attack the girl "Well if we can't see any bu-" He was cut off by Nashi "What are all those cameras for than!? Why are the teachers always telling us to behave because you guys can see what we do!? Why couldn't you see my pain and those girls bullying me!? The second my family fights back you notice but when I'm being attacked repeatedly you never notice!?" Nashi snapped at the teacher

"W-we ch-check the cameras everyday" the teacher told Nashi "Then how come you didn't see then bullying me in the hallways, on the basketball court, in the lunch room, anywhere?!" Nashi yelled at the teacher crying more now "Its okay, don't cry" I told Nashi trying to calm her down

"They bullied her to the point where she couldn't take it and everyday she came home with a smile on her face" Mom said "If you checked the cameras everyday I'm sure you should've noticed it at some point so that means you just didn't care" Mom told the teacher "T-thats n-n-not t-true" The teacher told mom

"I'm gonna go" Nashi said "Wait we need you to fill out a form for the Anti-bullying Community" The teacher called out to Nashi "Let's go have a little talk" Dad told the teacher

Fairy Tail Next GenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora