Big News

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{Nashi's POV}

I woke up and walked downstairs. "Where did you disappear to yesterday" Em-chan asked me "I went on a date with Storm-sama" I said and grabbed a poptart. I sat down and started eating while I was on my phone. I burst out laughing at a video. "Em-chan, look" I said and handed her my phone. She burst out laughing too and gave me my phone back. We sat in silence while we were on our phones. Mom walked downstairs and opened the curtains. "Close the blinds" I said and shielded my eyes. "Why do you wanna sit here in the dark instead of enjoying the sun?" she asked me.

"Cuz the sun is bright, and hot" I said "Well it's a beautiful morning" she said Em-chan's phone rang. "Hey" she said when she answered. "What?" she said and paused "Haha, I called it" she said and paused again "Ok, it's obvious. I wanna name her" she said and paused "Ok still, also I asked for a baby sister so she's a girl" she said "Ok I'm on my way" she said after another pause. "I gotta go" she said "Does it have to do with your new baby sister" I asked her "Yup" she said "Baby sister?" mom said "I'm gonna be a big sister" she said "Levy-chan is pregnant?" she asked in shock. "Seems like it, I gotta go get my stuff" she said

{Emma's POV}

I walked upstairs and went to Nashi-chan's room to get my stuff. I saw Luke walking out the bathroom with only a towel on. I blushed. "Hey Emma" he said "Hey" I said "You're already leaving?" he asked me "I'm gonna be a big sister" I blurted out "Really? They actually gave you a little sibling" he said "Yup" I said "Good luck cause younger siblings are a pain in the ass" he said "My baby sister will not be a mini Nashi" I said "She'll be a mini you" he said and kissed me. I blushed because when he pulled me in I touched his abs.  "Aww, you're so cute red cheeks" he said.

"If you didn't walk around without a shirt, torturing me then you wouldn't need to call me red cheeks" I mumbled "Huh?" he asked "Nothing" I said "It sounded like something, something about no shirt" he said "I didn't say anything" I said "So I'm hearing things? Becuase I'm pretty sure you said someth-" I cut him off by kissing him. "So what you need is in Luke's mouth?" Aunt Lu asked me "No" I said and blushed "Aww you're blushing" she said, I covered my face. "Stop" I said "Ok, bye" she said and went in her room.

"Bye" I said and pecked Luke's lips. "Bye" he said and then I walked home. I unlocked the door and I saw mom in the bathroom throwing up. "I didn't know it was this bad" I said "Well, welcome to the miracle of life" mom said and threw up again. "Do you want to take something for it" I asked her "You can't cure this with medicine, plus 95% of the stuff we have here is basically deadly to me now" she said and leaned against the bathroom wall. "So you just puke your guts out for nine months?" I asked her "It'll get better" she said then flushed the toilet and washed her face.

"I'm gonna go to bed" she said and walked upstairs "Emma, we have to clean. If your mom wakes up to a messy house then God would start praying for us" dad said "Ok" I said and started cleaning.

{Nashi's POV}

I walked outside and saw Luke doing pull ups. I started doing pull ups next to him. He let go of one hand and put it behind his back. "Show off" I said "What, never. Just pushing myself" he said in that 'I'm obviously lying' tone. I rolled my eyes. I got down and started punching a punching bag. "Don't burn it or do anything stupid" he said "I'm not 3 years old" I said "That happened like 3 months ago" he said "I won't" I said "Ok" he said. Dad walked outside. "I don't remeber the last time you actually worked out" he said "Neither do I" I said.

The punching bag swung towards me and hit me. I hit it with my elbow and it flew up and got stuck somewhere. "Oops" I said trying to not sound sarcastic "Yeah, oops" Luke said "Whatever" I said. After a while of working out, me, Luke, and dad were sitting inside eating. "Dad, who do you think would in a fight, me or Luke" I asked him "I don't really know, it'll probably be a tie" he said. We kept talking and then finished our food. "What made you randomly wanna work out?" dad asked "Gotta stay in shape to beat up annoying bitches" I said.

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