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Ohiyo minna! Sooo there's gonna be better fight scenes, I haven't made any good ones because the fights are really short or something else is happening but I'll try. This story is still all over the place but I'm finally getting it on track. I talk too much

Let's go.


{Luke's POV} "Wake up" Mom said while opening the blinds "Ughhh, close the blinds" I said while covering my face with a pillow "No, get up" She said "Whyyyyy I don't even have school today" I whined "Well, the whole family is going out" She said "Fine, but Nashi can't use the bathroom first" I told her "Well your dad is waking her up so you better hurry" She said making jump out of bed "Alright" I said walking to the bathroom "I'm going first" Nashi said "No, you always take 3 years" I said "Well you can wait, be a gentleman" She said

"Well I'm not a gentleman" I told her "First one there gets the bathroom" She yelled as she started running to the bathroom "You just challenged a soccer player to a race" I said as I started running "And I play basketball" She said "I'm still faster" I told her "We'll see about that" She said "Ok" I said "Haha I'm first" She said "Don't take 3 years" I told her "I won't... I'll take 5" She said "Nashi hurry up and get ready!" Mom yelled "Well not all of us can share the shower!" She yelled back

"Then you should know how to hurry up so Luke can shower!" She yelled back "Stop yelling I'm trying to sleep" Dad said "You should be awake already" I told him "Ugh" He said getting up "Nashi hurry up" I told her "Will you wait" She said "No I won't" I told her "Well your gonna have to" She said walking inside, after everyone showered I was still inside the shower "Luke hurry up!" Mom yelled "Ok I'm getting out" I told her "You have 5 minutes to get dressed" She said as I walked out the bathroom "So Luke, where do you think we're going" Nashi asked "I don't know, I have to get dressed so go somewhere else" I told her closing my door

-at the place-

"Why are we here" Nashi asked "We have a big announcement" Mom said "What is it" I asked "We're moving!" Mom and Dad said "To where" Nashi asked "Back to Magnolia" Dad said "What!? That's too far!" Nashi said "Well your going to a new school and you'll make a lot of new friends" Mom said "I don't want new friends or a new school I wanna stay with Em-chan and Lira and Storm-sama and all of my friends!" Nashi said "Well we're still moving and Luke isn't complaining about it" Mom said "He's just being polite and not showing his anger" Nashi said

"I'll stay here" I said "You can't stay here" Mom said "Well I'll find a place to live, you guys can go back to Magnolia with Nashi" I said "Stop acting stupid" Mom said "I'm not going to Magnolia and that's final" I said "Mom, Dad, Why do you hate that we're happy?" Nashi asked "I don't hate that your happy but we're still moving" Dad said "Well have fun" Nashi said and then ran away "Where is she going" Mom asked "I don't know but I'm not staying either" I told them and ran with her "Get back here!" Dad yelled running after us

"Roar of the Fire Dragon" Nashi yelled as she attacked Dad "Run! It won't last long" She said running away "Nashi! Luke! Come back here!" Mom yelled "Luke, we have to find a place to stay" Nashi said "Yeah, let's go to a friends house" I said "They would probably find out" She said "Not if their parents don't know we're there" I said "Smart" She said "Ok so you can go wherever you want and tomorrow we'll meet up at the park" She said "What time" I asked her "Uhh, 8" She said "Ok" I said as I started running towards Emma's house

-at Emma's house-

"Luke, what are you doing I told you to use the door" Emma said "Your parents can't know I'm here and my parents don't know where I am cuz me and Nashi ran away" I told her "What?! You guys ran away? Why?" She asked "Well our parents said we were gonna move back to Magnolia and I we didn't want to leave so we ran away" I said "You didn't have to run away" She said "Well I didn't want to leave you" I said making her blush "W-well we could've texted and video chatted" She said "It wouldn't be the same" I said

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