Rage day

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Hey minna! So look at V, he is perf. I got my phone taken away but I was able to get my parents to give it back early cuz I wasn't gonna have it for month.

Leeettttt'sss GOOOOO!!!!


{Emma's POV} "Emma......." Dad said getting really pissed off "Dad...." I said also getting annoyed "Do something about your attitude" Mom said "Mom, we have visitors" I said "So you should be respectful" She said "Okay can you please leave so I can go to sleep" I asked them "Tch. Whatever I'll deal with you later" Dad said "Goodnight" I said closing the door and locking it

{Lucy's POV} "Sooo.... I still think Luke is in there" I said "Same here" Natsu said "But I searched the room" Gajeel said "The window" Natsu said "The window is too high to jump out of" Gajeel said "Not for a Dragneel" Natsu said "You guys dont have a tracker in his phone" Levy asked "Oh, we do" I said and then I turned on my phone and went on the tracker app "They disabled it" I said

-at school-

{Luke's POV} I walked out of school and I saw Emma beating up 3 girls "Emma what's going on" I yelled as I grabbed her holding her back, Nashi walked outside and saw what was happening "Woah what's going on" Nashi asked "Let me go! Those sluts are gonna fucking run away" Emma said, I just let her go "Luke what the hell" Nashi yelled "They obviously deserve it because she's cursing which means they pissed her off" I said "Om but she's gonna kill them" Nashi said "Anndd?" I asked her "Luke!" She yelled at me "You stop her" I said "I cant stop her by myslef" Nashi said

"Fine" I said "Emma stop! You'll kill them" Nashi yelled "These bitches deserve it" She yelled back "Emma! Stop" I yelled "No" She said, me and Nashi got her away from the girls "I'm telling the principal" One of the girls said "If you do that you'll be leaving with a few broken bones" Nashi said "I'm not scared of you" the girl said "You will be" Nashi said "I'm still telling" the girl said "Can you shut the fuck up, it was your big mouth that got you beat up" I said "I'm still telling" She said "Luke, you dont know what she said, she deserves it" Emma said

"I know she does but your gonna get in trouble" I told her "I dont care, I'm not leaving until that bitch is begging for mercy" Emma said still struggling to get out of my arms "Nashi, let them get beat up" I said as I let go of Emma "MS. REDFOX, MY OFFICE, NOW" The principal said "Ugh whatever" Emma said while walking to his office "What did you say to her" I asked them "I just told her the truth" She said "The truth about what" I asked her "Her prostitute mom" she said "Bitch I know you didn't say that to Emma" I said "Its just the truth" She said "And that's why you got your ass beat" Nashi said "Let's go" Emma said to me and Nashi while walking away

{Emma's POV} I got home mad as hell because of those bitches "Hey Emma" Mom said when I opened the door "Hey" Dad said, I just put the dumbass fucking suspension on the table and walked to my room.....


This is so bad but I dont have any ideas so I'll update the next part hopefully soon. Gomen minna. See you soon

604 words

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